Nice, recycling. I like the structured feeling of the floor mat towel but have definitely used yesterday’s towel when necessary.
Nice, recycling. I like the structured feeling of the floor mat towel but have definitely used yesterday’s towel when necessary.
SMS, calls, and doorbell
It’s everywhere, but not all devices have the radio
lol, sign up for updates? Doomed, fucking doomed
Not many want to fight for the autocracy either. Bunch of slack-ass soldiers. Fight for freedom? You’ll get people volunteering.
Youngest just turned 18, they all three used to like Tesla and Space X, now they think he’s a transphobic asshole.
They don’t seem to understand his influence on the country though, like he’s just a joke
God may have invented the human anus, but the internet made them equal.
Using it for athletic reasons is valid also. Shit’s just too expensive for me.
gird thy loins with smelling salts
I’m going to wrap so much ammonium carbonite around my junk
If you have a problem and call the police, now you have two problems. That’s not just cliche, it’s true.
Don’t call the cops, call a lawyer.
Denver, CO
We have really good Little Donkeys
With the good American cheese, not that Kraft stuff
What’s thermoplastic?
Hot Glue
“God may have created man, but Sam Colt made them equal.”
Soloing an Alaskan Chainsaw Mill. Bro didn’t show up one day and I had logs to cut.
Anyone can pick up a bow and fling a few arrows downrange with minimal coaching but becoming proficient takes longer with archery than with a rifle. IMO, shotguns are even easier: cover the bird with the muzzle and slap that trigger. Dinner is served.
As anecdotal evidence: If you get skunked during rifle season you’re a chump, bow hunters EXPECT to get skunked
Nice. Actually logged in to save that post. Thanks
flip protein and carbs and you’ll likely be fine.
All carb breakfast would lead to a big energy crash for me around 6 hours after that bread-breakfast.
Huh, weird. DE? I’ve used it to filter beer at a small brewery and I use it as a natural insecticide.