the DNC is the last place to find actual conservatives these days.
There is a good reason for this. Money to win elections comes from CONSERVATIVE corporations and populism isn’t on their wish list.
the DNC is the last place to find actual conservatives these days.
There is a good reason for this. Money to win elections comes from CONSERVATIVE corporations and populism isn’t on their wish list.
Nearly $3 billion USD flowed through the TRUMP cryptocoin
But wait, there’s more. Us taxpayer money will now be used to “invest” in these crypto scams.
Didn’t they say climate change was a hoax or was that just for their brain dead cult followers? Amazing how easily they are manipulated. It’s like Republicans captured all the media then spewed shit to dominate them, but hey, it works magnificently.
Hold off. Kraznov is getting so much shit he is going to walk it back, so he says. Can’t trust him any more than a rabid bat though.
Silly, he get big balls to conjure up million dollar bitcoins from thin air to replace dollars. Plus they will all be purchased with low and middle income American taxpayers dollars.
Curious. How does that work when someone is beating you with a baseball bat or robbing you?
Perhaps a better question is, “What are you doing to help?”.
Supporting a national strike, canceling Amazon, leaving FB, might be a good start. Contacting you representative who doesn’t represent you seems to be futile. Maybe flash protests?
I stopped buying on Amazon Jan 20. I will cancel Amazon Prime today. Many people will also stop buying and many people will cancel Prime. When they stop buying for a week, they tend to find alternatives that they stick with. I was buying several hundred dollars worth of merch but have found better alternatives. I will not go back. Seven days is just a start. Amazon is noticing.