Sincere apologies for that piece of shit. /a German.
Sincere apologies for that piece of shit. /a German.
This here - the social contract view needs to be widely adopted
Unfortunately that is how it is. I wasn’t directing my comment to Zelenskyy though but to everyone else, especially those reading here.
Wow. Original, harmless and really funny.
Seriously! On the platform of a traitorous piece of shit half responsible for this mess…
“Fanperson” is an insult now? Cry me a river, snowflake. Also, you weren’t disagreeing, you were explaining something to someone perceived less knowledgeable than you, while demonstrating you have no grasp of the core difference between stochastics and AI.
Here we go… Fanperson explaining the world to the dumb lost sheep. Thank you so much for stepping down from your high horse to try and educate a simple person. /s
Not sure if we need that particular bubble to pop for us to be drowned in a sea of shit, looking at the state of the world right now :( But silicon valley seems to be at the core of this clusterfuck, as if all the villains form there or flock there…
I feel like I have found a lone voice of sanity in a jungle of brainless fanpeople sucking up the snake oil and pretending LLMs are AI. A simple control loop is closer to AI than a stochastic parrot, as you correctly put it.
Neuroscience says that the scared brain has a lower IQ, which is good for giving in to survival instincts in an acute threat situation, but really bad to make any longterm decisions. Populists try to scare us for this very reason. Scared people are easier to manipulate. It’s working, and it’s fucking scary how effective it is. But I am not scared in the way that lowers my critical reflection. So I hope someone brings out the guillotines before more poor people (our people) die.
Wrong question. “What would they have to market it as?” -> LLMs / machine learning / pattern recognition
How do those examples not fall into the category “snake oil vendor”?
The mechanism of machine learning based on training data as used by LLMs is at its core statistics without contextual understanding, the output is therefore only statistically predictable but not reliable. Labeling this as “AI” is misleading at best, directly undermining democracy and freedom in practice, because the impressively intelligent looking output leads naive people to believe the software knows what it is talking about.
People who condone the use of the term “AI” for this kind of statistical approach are naive at best, snake oil vendors or straightout enemies of humanity.
So why is the AI at the top end amazing yet everything we use is a piece of literal shit?
Just that you call an LLM “AI” shows how unqualified you are to comment on the “successes”.
short of a website provider having access to my provider ip over time vs. customer data, how is my browser fingerprint uniquely identifying me when I clear cookies every now and then and often resize the browser window? Genuinely curious - obviously between clearing cookies there’s an issue, and also if I use logins to any websites that share data with some asshat like google analytics, they will recognize me across websites. And of course with the latest mozilla data grab, things will get worse :/