…just this guy, you know.
Sanders was joined on stage by United Auto Workers president Shawn Fain, who wore a T-shirt reading “Eat the Rich” and told the audience that “billionaires don’t have a right to exist.”
careful now. I understand that kind of ultra violent rhetoric is illegal on reddit.
hero material.
my family contributes $5 monthly to the signal foundation. consider doing the same if you are able.
the entire family uses it personally and for business so its among the best montly contribs we make.
please, I beg of you, control this closely. the citizens united case in the us drove a stake through the heart of this country.
Guy’s a Guinness Book ASll-Time Record Jerk.
absolutely. he’s a chaos machine. and if the pushback/ resistance is not painful enough for america, he will continue doing it.
part of me thinks this is being done to normalize the economic shock - he’s already doing it socially. pull this crap often enough and the markets stop reacting violently.
he also gets to claim that the victims are the aggressors, ukraine style.
All provinces, except P.E.I. and Newfoundland and Labrador, have agreed to remove the obstacles preventing their alcohol from being sold in other jurisdictions.
with typical american ignorance, I ask… what is the reasoning here?
edit: thanks for the information everyone. TIL!
👍 tenderizing is a time honored culinary technique.
oligarchs know no national borders. its a global playground.
enlightening watch. thanks. may be useful ammunition to pull out on a few people I know.
Also, this post is gonna get removed since there’s a ban on US politics on this community
understandable, but unfortunate. there are some genuinely interesting responses.
that was teamsters president sean o’brien. he was roasted a bit for agreeing to do it, but he delivered a pro-union rant.
I really cant find much fault here. republicans in general and trump in particular dont give a shit about workers, but delivering a pro-union message directly to republican-curious viewers was probably a net positive. besides, support is earned not owed. do better (*fucking sigh*) democrats.