Under Carney, everything you buy will get more expensive, plus you will have less money with higher taxes. Watch what happens to your money in 3 weeks on April 1st.
Under Carney, everything you buy will get more expensive, plus you will have less money with higher taxes. Watch what happens to your money in 3 weeks on April 1st.
The broad Canadian public is against woke policies. People want meritocracy, not identity. Read the public polling of the amount of people who support same sex marriage, it’s going down. Look at the polling numbers of the public turning against the ideology of transgenderism.
Carney had nothing to do with Canada’s economy, it was Jim Flaherty. Carney did major economic damage to England and England was worse off when Carney left. He plans to bring in more taxes if he can’t increase current sales taxes plus increase income taxes.
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There was never a chance a woman would win as leader. The Liberals claim to be feminist but have never had a female in charge running the Liberal party.
If you don’t want to support the American economy, do not use YouTube, do not use Netflix, do not use Microsoft Windows, do not use Mac or iPad, do not use Android, Apple, or Google, do not go to movie theatre, do not use streaming services, do not own a computer, do not use any transportation vehicle because a few parts are made in America, do not watch TV, do not buy music, do not play or buy video games, do not buy most clothes, do not buy some food, do not buy some home appliances.
There are things only sold on Amazon because that’s where the global mass market is. Even though Amazon does not have a site for every individual country, which other shopping website deliveries to almost every single country? If you want to replace Amazon, spend $5 billion to develop a competitor.
Which Canadian news corporations have never received government money?
You are arguing that every person must be subservient to the government mantra.The highest form of being a patriot is dissent.
What about people born in Canada that say 100% of all Canadian news do not reflect any of their views?
People can go to Florida if they want, travel where they want, it’s all fine and good.
Every individual is free to choose if they want to watch/read American media or if they don’t want to watch/read American media.
Are people supposed to care if you visit America or if you don’t visit America?
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That’s a presumptuous take
You are making the fallacy of holding on to a colloquial.
Except that you don’t know what the word Nazi means. It does not mean what you think it means.
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You can’t make yourself taller by cutting off other people’s legs.
When you go outside, talk with random strangers and ask for their take on woke and check if people out in public support gay marriage. Get people;s opinion’s face to face that you don’t know previously, the internet is not the real world.