This is definitely better than the electoral college.
This is definitely better than the electoral college.
One of his eyes is squinting more than the other.
I guess that’s supposed to be him in the middle. They tried to make him unattractive and they just made him unrecognizable.
Your can if you’re a zombie. But you can’t use either a phone or a paper map underwater, so you might end up wandering around the Indian Ocean. Unless you can navigate by the stars, idk how clear that water is.
Trump is the new Hitler
I love learning about love in other cultures.
I didn’t say anyone “can’t” anything, I’m asking for data. I want to know the statistical likelihood of this crime being hate- motivated, seeing as we may never know for sure if it is or not.
In theory sure. Is it statistically likely?
It’s one of Megan Thee Stallion’s catch phrases that she says in a lot of her songs, and she also uses a lot of snake imagery. She has a song called Cobra.
I have privacy concerns about this meme
Respectfully, every one of those videos is valuable. This isn’t a radiohead concert.