Don’t forget that company does fuck all in advertising the small phone at a similar level as the “regular sized” phone
Don’t forget that company does fuck all in advertising the small phone at a similar level as the “regular sized” phone
It also used to be commonplace to have a physical home button below the screen on a number of flagship devices, along with the camera being positioned separate from the screen.
I feel like that could bring us closer to a modern equivalent of 6” screens in the same body
That’ll yield the opposite outcome when one of the top complaints from homeowners is their property taxes and how they should remain frozen or cut for the rest of time
This is upsetting, yet unsurprising. Just another 4 years of wasteful spending, public service budget cuts and maybe we’ll get another bribe just before the 2029 election.
It feels like the future is pretty bleak with yet another majority government….
Also can’t forget the teasing and ridicule from family members when you’re not as fluent in their native language
This is a little too relatable, and how I felt the first few times I made sushi 😅