a good reason not to buy just released beta software the devs are still debugging.
“Humans are just imperfect crabs.” - @pH3ra@CubitOom@lemmy.ml
Trying to be the best crab I can.
a good reason not to buy just released beta software the devs are still debugging.
He is coming for the head.
has to pee?
https://www.google.com/search?q=drp&udm=14 still works for me…
clear firebreaks or hunt invasive species in order to get the gi-bill equiv? fuck yeah…
fruit salad (pineapple, apples, oranges, grapes) is pretty cheap and amazing when you make it every week from the fruit on sale/in season.
I think folks should always have the right to refuse,
mos def. the trick is to make it fun and part of the transition to adulthood, so they want to serve.
In lieu of the loan system, if there was a similar program for agreeing to work as a public servant for X number of years in exchange for free school, it could be appealing.
in addition to schooling, give them access to home loans too. make it possible for people to own houses again.
crazy dreams right?
I’m pro national service - whether that takes the form of mail delivery, community work, fire service, environmental remediation (!!) there’s a shitton of work to be done, give kids free education and get them enrolled for services and benefits and skim off the best for leadership. Or, military or federal security service. There’s a ton of different ways for people to serve their country and we should accommodate all who are willing to step up.
Right now, I’ve had a lot of male crushes but not female,
so I say I’m straight after some thinking.
uhhhhhhh… what thinking would that be?
generally I’ve found people are attracted *to the people they prefer.
not a conservative or republican, they’re (trump/vance) a fucking disgrace. absolutely fucking garbage.
stop buying the stinky broccoli.
funny, you take something like that right there and project it onto any other presidential figure and it would destroy them - you can’t remember what the fuck you said?
the fucking sanewashing the media allows
You are saying woman should be more scared of me or any other man
I mean… the historical record is replete with horrible shit men do to women:
so you figure it out for yourself mate, I have neither the time nor crayons.
It absolutely is. You are saying no man, myself included, is safe. That no matter what good we might do individually, we will always be viewed as monsters. Can you not see why men find that hurtful?
look mate if you want to self identify as a rapist / creep, be my guest. if you want to identify that way and then wonder why people find it creepy, well, I don’t have the crayons.
If you think women assume all men are rapists, you’re wrong. if you think women assume some men are rapist creeps, that would be EXTREMELY RATIONAL. Now, compare those two categories with the number of times a woman has had to worry about being raped by a bear.
Come on, you can do it. Count on your toes if you need to. There we go: it’s none.
So some, vs. None.
Now work it out.
there’s some real delusional entitlement going on here. one for all the supposedly ‘good guys’ who feel blamed for rapists - I don’t rape women but would never begrudge their need to defend themselves. telling women they need to take literal risks for the sake of ‘not hurting the good guys’ feelings’ seems kinda fucking gross.
I don’t get why any man would jump to defend the chuds, unless they feel pointed out as a chud.
I’ve never once even thought about hurting a woman?
then you’d know it’s not about you. I don’t think women want to potentially be mauled to death by the bear, it’s simply preferable to the horrible shit men do to women with astonishing regularity. kidnapped and raped to death, or kidnapped and raped for decades.
do you need links, to show how unfortunately regular this kind of thing is? because they’ll turn your fucking stomach. just because you’re ignorant about how often it happens doesn’t mean you should take it personally when women make a logical choice. they’re safer with the bear. You’ve never thought about hurting a woman, that’s great, but it doesn’t do shit for the women who have had this shit done to them by men for the history of the species.
It’s absolutely divisive. Stop.
oooOoh poor boy, it hurts your feelings huh? get over yourself.
I really hope someone’s keeping a list of all these traitors to the species and the ecosystem.