It was a sophisticated drug transaction, and that play was intended to distract you.
Cowering Coward Cowers Again.
Maybe next time try the expensive tuna instead of dogshit.
No, it was called, “Extra Facial”.
I’m stumped! What’s that covered thing behind that guy?
Had a wedding.
So, if it’s left?
I’ll look at it that way from hereon in…
Feeling good about oneself shouldn’t be guilted.
I put the toilet seat and lid down.
I park as far away as possible from the store (always to find someone parked right beside me upon return), and will grab a stray shopping cart if there’s one.
I live at a beach. I walk it at first light and p/u trash.
Vinyl fence?
How’s that working out?
‘Stop thinking’ is my thesis.
Why wouldn’t it?
That one quarter represents one half of Americans, whether they’re disenfranchised or not.
You can’t absolve yourselves of blame, just because of the ‘system’.
Canada shares a common land border with Denmark.
They could be welcomed into the EU in a heartbeat.
I’m calling it “beautiful”, for $1.
Some folk may embiggen them to choose another instance to better federate the federation, federally-wise speaking.