Anaphylaxis is typically treatable especially at the Dr most people live even in that incredibly rare event.
There have been no deaths shown to be related to the MMR vaccine in healthy people.
Anaphylaxis is typically treatable especially at the Dr most people live even in that incredibly rare event.
There have been no deaths shown to be related to the MMR vaccine in healthy people.
If I could either work for 30k at home or do a 140k job abroad for 80k I would willingly get ripped off and exploited. It doesn’t make it less bullshit that we don’t offer such talented folks citizenship and a fair wage.
They are literally killing children and babies same as if they were standing there stepping on their little faces and leaving bloody footprints in their wake. No sympathy for child killers.
You navigate them by finding out where their brain is broken and informing them of what words mean. In the ideal case some of them stop speaking incorrectly.
We aren’t computers we are people. We are having this discussion about the computer. The computer given a massive corpus of input is about to discern that the following text and responses are statistically likely to follow one another
foo = bar
foo != bar you lied to me!
yes I lied sorry foo = foo
The computer doesn’t “know” foo it has no model of foo or how it relates to bar. it just knows the statistical likelihood of = bar following the token foo vs other possible token. YOU the user introduced the token lie and foo != bar to it and it discerned that it admitting it was a likely response especially if the text foo = bar is only comparatively weakly related.
EG it will end up doubling down vs admitting more so when many responses contained similar sequences eg when its better supported by actual people’s thoughts and words. All the smarts and the ability to think, to lie, to have any motivation whatsoever come from the people’s words fed into the model. It isn’t in any way shape or form intelligent. It can’t per se lie, or even hallucinate. It has no thoughts and no intents.
You never have 100% of people using a word the same if only because some portion of the population is stupid and illiterate and you have both drift over time and geography. So say at a given time of a billion people 99.995% believe the definition is A and 0.005% believe B. Periodically people correct people in B and some of them shift back to the overwhelming majority and sometimes new folks drift into B.
It is clearly at that point, 99.995% A, correct to say that the definition of the word is A and anyone who says B is wrong. This doesn’t change if B becomes 10% but it might change if B becomes overwhelmingly dominant in which case it becomes correct. There is constantly small drifts mostly by people simply to stupid to find out what words means. Treating most of these as alternative definitions would be in a word inefficient.
Drift also isn’t neutral. For instance using lie to mean anything which is wrong actually deprives the language of a common word to even mean that. It impoverishes the language and makes it harder to express ideas. There is every reason to prefer the correct definition that is also overwhelmingly used.
There are also words which belong to a technical nature which are defined not by usage but a particular discipline. A kidney is a kidney and it would be one if 90% of the dumb people said. Likewise a CPU never referred to the entire tower no matter how many AOL users said so.
This is a long way of saying that just because definition follows usage we should let functionally illiterate people say what they want and treat it as alternative facts.
You can’t ask it about itself because it has no internal model of self and is just basing any answer on data in its training set
Still not a lie still text that is statistically likely to fellow prior text produced by a model with no thought process that knows nothing
The latter is the actual definition. Some people not knowing what words mean isnt an argument
It can be prevented by people paid 400-1000 per hour spending time either writing own paperwork or paying others to actually write it.
68 AD to 95ad is 27 years why would you count from the start.
What is agency
If your choices are a function of prior events and an emergent property of complex but deterministic processes where does agency come in? We are a complex deterministic process that simulates our own self to both predict a much more complex unconscious self and write rules to influence it going forward.
We call this process being conscious even when its writing just so stories after the fact.
People are locked up all the time for just possessing child porn without having abused anyone. This isn’t a bad thing because they are a danger to society.
You cant name one godamn thing that matters and you are completely weaseling out
Your choice of words is an analytical failure it says that the the will somehow sitting on top of all those processes rather than being a function of them.
I’m not paying any money to fucks that bend over for Trump either. Buying and shooting the stuff I oppose is less effective than not buying it.
What as a normal person is there to be done? I shall vote for local people who will resist Trump. I shall vote against Trump and if I’m not allowed to vote I’ll fight.
Basically every pedo in prison is one who isn’t abusing kids. Every pedo on a list is one who won’t be left alone with a young family member. Actually reducing AI CP doesn’t actually by itself do anything.
There have been no deaths shown to be related to the MMR vaccine in healthy people. Tons of kids will die from measels