Do the memes justify the ends? What if it never ends? All we have are memes.
A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.
Do the memes justify the ends? What if it never ends? All we have are memes.
No one spread a butthole before the internet? A bold claim, but I think you own the idea due to lack of prior documentation.
correct, a complex system of information sharing devices is way too busy for that
That’s the spirit!
Easy access to copious quantities of high production value porn in later generations.
You grow up wanking to clean shaven actors and that’s what you end up wanting in real life.
That’s my theory.
As a kid we had a neighbor that ran a bee-brothel and had hives all over the region. Since his hives would just sit on un-used corners of farmland, he would offer some honey annually as ‘rent’. (He was also generous with his boat so a couple waterskiing trips were also on the table).
We (2 parents, 4 kids) would get a 5 gallon can of honey every other year or so.
That has been over 45 years now and my father is still working through that supply. We put it in sealed mason jars and it has remained good all this time.
Minority parties have a great deal of procedural power and with such a narrow minority, even a few defections from the other party can swing a vote.
Politics is theater and it is breathtakingly stupid to just lay down and let them do whatever they want without using the power at their disposal.
That is factually untrue. They did not get voted out everywhere and it is somewhat silly to say so.
House: R- 218, D- 215 Senate: R- 53, D- 47
That is what I call a fair fight.
Your position is indefensible.
The traditional conservatives are suspiciously quiet right now, so I count them as fully complicit.
It will be me. You have freedom of speech. I am also free to ignore, mock or ostracize you if you spout hateful nonsense near me.
I think a clear distinction to make might be:
“Tech” as used in this sense is the industrial complex around mobile and web technologies dominated by a few players who might just be evil.
“Technology” is, of course, everything you mentioned and more. A rock that fits nicely in your hand becomes technology when used to crack a coconut.
It’s a weird linguistic murkiness, isn’t it?
“I think that’s a good idea.”
“You do? Then we’ll make it work.”
Sick burn
What! My outie loves Severance.
I can’t locate this community using search on the term ‘severance’.
Do you mind sharing the instance and community name?
Praise Kier!
Hard agree! I do think fediverse platforms are perfect for public entities to disseminate information.
I’m US based so my example is say a county. They already have the IT infrastructure and staff. Make an instance for the county and a community for each department.
The road department can post road closures and upcoming traffic diversions. The parks department can promote events, etc.
These type of instances can just disable comments. They are read-only so moderation is not needed.
It’s trivial from a resource perspective and even easier than updating a website.
It is a feature, not a problem.
I have, like, this whole rich life offline. My curated list of instances and communities (plus my user block list) is just my entertainment and a small portion of my day.
You may not believe this but I have numerous thoughts, activities and interactions that never leave a trace online. I have no obligation to drink from the firehose that is being pumped from the septic tank of the human psyche.
Given the time management skills of my fellow Americans, you wouldn’t even have to face them all at once. Two wouldn’t show up at all, and 4 or 5 would show up wnevs. You’d have time to freshen up between conflicts.
“You know, for kids!”