Of course. Move along boy, go back to shouting at big bad clients because “programmers are special”.
Of course. Move along boy, go back to shouting at big bad clients because “programmers are special”.
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Let’s talk in five years. There’s no point in discussing this right now. You’re set on what you believe you know and I’m set on what I believe I know.
And, piece of advice, don’t assume others lack tech literacy because they don’t agree with you, it just makes you look like a brat that can’t discuss things maturely and invites the other part to be a prick as well.
Especially because programming is quite fucking literally giving computers instructions, despite what you believe keyboard monkeys do. You wanker!
What? You think “developers” are some kind on mythical beings that possess the mystical ability of speaking to the machines in cryptic tongues?
They’re a dime a dozen, the large majority of “developers” are just cannon fodder that are not worth what they think they are.
Ironically, the real good ones probably brought about their demise.
I believe programming languages will become obsolete. You’ll still need professionals that will be experts in leading the machines but not nearly as hands on as presently. The same for a lot of professions that exist currently.
I like to compare GenAI to the assembly line when it was created, but instead of repetitive menial tasks, it’s repetitive mental tasks that it improves/performs.
I really think GenAI is comparable to the internet in terms of what it will allow mankind in a couple of decades.
Lots of people thought the internet was a fad and saw no future for it …
Fuck the USA! There, I said it!
Fuck the whole country, the people that voted for that fucking bully and fuck the people that didn’t vote for him but let this happen!
Fuck you all!!