Given how much spez mainlines Musk’s farts, how is any of this a surprise to you?
40ish white dude (he/him) from the Netherlands
Given how much spez mainlines Musk’s farts, how is any of this a surprise to you?
I fear you’re living too far away from me to say “I’ll come and eat that!”
There’s also https://old.feddit.nl/ if you want an almost exact old.reddit experience
Is he huffing musky farts?
Stamppot. I’m from the Netherlands and I really love stamppot.
It’s basically boiled veggies (usually a type of kale, but it can also be made with endive or carrots (but then it’s called hutspot) and potatoes mashed together. Add a smoked sausage and some gravy over it. delicious!
But it’s best when it’s winter and it’s really cold outside and when you make it, the windows steam up. Then it’s really gezellig
He supports Elon? He deserves all the hate he gets.
I’ve seen too many of that ilk. Then again, I peruse the YouTube comments, so it’s pretty my own fault.
If that was a wave, I’m the fucking Pope!
I wish I knew. All I can think of is that they’ve fallen into the alt-right pipeline and are now living in some alternative fact land, and there are people who lack empathy, who think that having empathy is a weakness.
Mouse-over menus that don’t stay open to be able to navigate to the other end of that menu.
Yeah, but we wanted to load an ad, just at the place you thought was a link you wanted to click on… /infuriating
This leftist has boycotted everything Sony since they bricked my PC with their rootkit in the early 2000s (and I really go out of my way to make sure nothing Sony related comes in my house, not their music, movies, games, electronics, nor their camera lenses) I only slipped up once in the past 20 or so years, when I purchased a second hand Sony Walkman mp3 player. Thing broke within 3 months of use, it’s now a constant reminder that I really need to keep boycotting Sony.
I’ve started boycotting Amazon (including but not limited to Kindle, Audible, Prime and Twitch) and Disney since this year.
But I’m only one person.
I have shown myself to be capable of long term boycotts and I don’t intend to let up. I’ve added Amazon’s websites to my Pihole’s blacklist.
But I also don’t pirate their stuff. As far as I’m concerned their TV shows and movies and such don’t exist on this planet.
I’ve stopped reading those. I might have put myself in a bubble, but I prefer a bubble over a heart attack because of rage bait comments from the antisocial dregs of society.
Many free couches on Facebook marketplace
The princess in the tower doesn’t want to get rescued anymore, and the horse’s legs were stolen like the wheels of a car might be in bad neighbourhoods.
A tour through the Nordic countries.
I’ve only ever seen Sweden from the highway from Malmö to Stockholm to get to a boat to Estonia in time, and only saw bits of the harbor in Helsinki during that trip. I’d love to take more time to explore Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.