40ish white dude (he/him) from the Netherlands

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2024


  • This leftist has boycotted everything Sony since they bricked my PC with their rootkit in the early 2000s (and I really go out of my way to make sure nothing Sony related comes in my house, not their music, movies, games, electronics, nor their camera lenses) I only slipped up once in the past 20 or so years, when I purchased a second hand Sony Walkman mp3 player. Thing broke within 3 months of use, it’s now a constant reminder that I really need to keep boycotting Sony.

    I’ve started boycotting Amazon (including but not limited to Kindle, Audible, Prime and Twitch) and Disney since this year.

    But I’m only one person.

    I have shown myself to be capable of long term boycotts and I don’t intend to let up. I’ve added Amazon’s websites to my Pihole’s blacklist.

    But I also don’t pirate their stuff. As far as I’m concerned their TV shows and movies and such don’t exist on this planet.