Thank you sir, may I have another. Harder this time, daddy.
Game and Tool developer working with Godot and NixOS.
Thank you sir, may I have another. Harder this time, daddy.
I got my Kobo eReader literally days ago, phew
Unfortunately, nothing. Always comes from different instances for me. Whack-a-mole
It’s so hot, imgur is at capacity and only returns json
This. NameCheap actually responds to abuse reports, as well. Turns out they actually think it’s bad for business to allow grifters and con artists to use their services, unlike other major registrars.
Barely Bones sounds like a skeleton’s Only Fans
I’ve had a good experience with RamNode, and very little limitations in what I can do.
They used to be headquartered in Atlanta, GA (with servers in all major countries/cities) but were recently bought out by another slightly larger provider. I haven’t had any negative experiences since the buy out.
I have 3 minecraft servers running on one VPS at RamNode (it’s a dedicated server, not shared). One is vanilla, one is a heavy tech mod, and the other is a heavy RPG mod. People come and go all the time, no issues. $50/month, though. Note that minecraft is not the only service running on it. It gets very heavily utilized for many, many things.
RamNode will kick you in the ballsac if you try pirating with them, though.
not ordering from Amazon, not communicating via Facebook and Reddit, and recofiguring our phones and computers to avoid using Google services.
This is what really sucks ass for me. I said fuck convenience 10 years ago and I stripped my life of all of these kinds of things, with the exception of Reddit until the past couple years. These things are the NUMBER ONE thing we as the proletariat can do to kick the fat cysts in the balls, and no one is willing to even entertain it. IMO, it’s the only way this can be non-violent and also super effective. We have to take away their real power.
Otherwise, agreed. We can’t just take a rifle and run up to official buildings. My comment about being alone on the front lines was more so a metaphor, not intended to be literal. I meant that I am alone in the fight that I’ve been fighting for the past 10 years, which is giving up convenience, returning to my human roots of “adapt and overcome”, and taking away power from the rich. However, no one wants to follow, and I am alone. I know there are others out there that have taken the same extreme measures I have, but they are few and far between. None of my closest friends or family are willing to give up Dunkin Donuts and WalMart, and I fucking hate it. Since no one is giving up this stuff, I feel like violence from the few that are willing is the only way to light a fire (see Luigi).
ETA: Congress won’t do a damn thing, look at how much money Pelosi makes off insider trading. The military is 50/50 people that oppose and people that bootlick, so it’s going to be all of the above I’m afraid.
thank you!
I find it hilarious that you and I are being downvoted for being angry and wanting to do something more than just sit back by people in the comments that are saying, “we wish you americans would do something.”
Keep withholding your cash, fellow prole. We can only force our cowardly brethrens’ noses into their own shit and hope they get angry too. The only way for this to be non-violent is to completely withdraw ourselves from the system in all aspects and en masse. Take away their real power.
The problem is, it will require violence and loss of life from the proletariat to make a change at this point. Even the ones that are complaining are not willing to stand up for themselves, let alone anyone else.
I’m fighting on a digital front with my networking and development skills in various ways, and with my wallet and choices in other ways. However, I am beyond ready and itching to get down and dirty with these motherfuckers and start throwing punches. Every one around me just cowers into a, “well, it’s not really so bad yet, I just want to keep buying my [insert big company name product here].” They’ve lost the human ability to adapt and overcome. It’s fucking sad and depressing. I’ve tried so hard to light a fire under my “left-wing” friends that seemingly share in my misery, and I am always met with excuses.
When I make it to the front lines, I fear I will be alone.
Could someone copy/paste the article? This news source gatekeeps information, can’t view on a VPN.
Check one of the other comments, turns out you were probably right. I didn’t take the label literally enough!
Interesting. Testing for cystic fibrosis via sweat… it literally is a perspiration exuder 😅
I think you found the answer.
It was a positive experience for me
Instructions unclear, dick caught in banana plug
I’ve seen others mention the redundancy for the PSUs. One note about that, they are meant to be plugged into 2 different circuits! Otherwise, if they are on the same one and it fails, then redundancy is out the window.
Not a requirement, but if this is going to be a data hoarding type deal or you want it highly available for your purposes, then you should make sure you keep this in mind.
On that same token, read up on RAID Levels for hard drive redundancy.
What in the hell? Been trying to search for what this could be, but I can’t find any definitive information!
My initial guess, it has something to do with off-gassing in lead-acid batteries? Or maybe something to do with electrolysis?
If you happened to snap a pic of the backside connections, I’d be curious to see 'em.
Unfortunately this has been going on few several months now. YT is actively blocking IPs if they think they are from data centers, VPNs, or proxies.
They’ve also been doing some under the hood cryptographic changes that cause breakages from time to time in Invidious (the backend for FreeTube)
It’s kinda weird how the roles are reversed. From my experience, geese are just assholes to anything that walks by that isn’t a goose. Eagles tend to keep to themselves in the remote parts of the world.
That being said, they are both majestic birds and it sucks that the bald eagle is practically a symbol of hate and dominance at this point.