I did a bit of maths at school and I know 218>215, and 53>47.
That is what I call a minority in both places. If all D get together and say “no”, and all R get together and say “yes”, then where a simple majority is required it’ll be an R victory. Any D victory will need some Rs to either swing (and likely get fired), or abstain. Of course if a 2/3 majority is needed for something then R will need some D support to get it through.
Your requirements appear to be contradictory. You want to kill it, i.e. not see it any more, and you want to stop moderating it, but you don’t want anyone else to moderate it.
So stop moderating it, and block it. It’s not up to you to tell 200,000 people that they can’t continue to have a community; doing so makes you appear to be acting as some kind of landed gentry. Just walk away and don’t look back.