Nah, I’m good :) I don’t need to touch anything like that those days, days of anything resembling big data are gone for me. But I know of people who need – and who work in dark basements of „Big 4” with terabytes worth of Excel sheets passed down through the generations of data scientists. No one will ever touch those workbooks, as they make the world go round, and last person that understood how it works retired 15 years ago. These setups will survive humanity, and will be estimating resource and energy prices on the international markets long after we’re gone and only entities dealing in resources will be rats and roaches.
Hotness is fine, but I couldn’t yet find one with the right consistency (most of them have some thickeners, as they are, well, sauces), and right flavor profile – I’m considering trying to make my own batch of either salt-macerated or fermented birdseye chilli sauce without any extra additives and mix with barrel aged Italian white wine vinegar, this should give a similar vibes.
Fortunately, I’m using this particular sauce mostly in cocktails every now and then, so I’m not in a hurry.