They may be unrealistic but that says more about this administration than it does about the protests. That’s pretty basic shit imo
They may be unrealistic but that says more about this administration than it does about the protests. That’s pretty basic shit imo
That may be true. Still, don’t let them make you afraid. That’s the goal. They can’t arrest all of us.
For posterity, fuck you Donald Trump and fuck you Elon Musk. Send the goons after me and prove you have thinner skin than an apple.
I’m not worried about someone showing up at my door over upvoting posts on the internet. We all just need to decide that if they start doing that we shoot them in the face on the porch. Sooner or later guys will stop showing up. There’s way more of us than there are of them and that’s the realization they want to suppress more than anything. Don’t let the ones who really should be afraid make you afraid.
Am I just jaded about the whole internet or does this read like an AI summary? It feels too specific to be written by a human.
I don’t think phrasing is the problem. I think the problem is a lack of leaders willing to stand behind it. Democrats are trying to pander to rich people while simultaneously tapping into the anger at rich people and that just comes off as disingenuous at best. I think voters will turn out if we give them a reason to. I think Democrats know that too and that’s why they fight harder to stop progressives from gaining influence than they do to curb the existing influence of the rich.