ugly bag of mostly water

don’t keep sweatin’ what I do 'cause I’m gonna be just fine

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 19th, 2023


  • I’m late Gen X. When we were younger, women shaving at least the lips and bikini line, plus trimming down the rest, was normal. I don’t think a lot of women my age went fully hairless most of the time, but having a brazilian now and again was pretty normal. Men either didn’t do any grooming or trimmed things down a bit, but didn’t generally go fully hairless. As we got older more hair crept back in. I guess to me, hairlessness is associated with kids (by which i mean like 18 year olds to mid-twenties - people way too young for me to fuck at this point), and I think hair is sexy. I don’t think I’d do a brazilian at this point - I prefer at least some hair. I do still prefer the lips and bikini line to be bare, but that entails annoying upkeep and itchy stubble, so I usually only do it every other week and let it grow in a bit.

    I guess what we find attractive changes as we age.

  • A continuous passive motion machine.

    I had arthroscopic hip surgery to repair a cartilage tear and shave down some bone overgrowth. For 3 weeks after surgery, I had to put my leg in this machine for an hour four times a day. It slowly bends and straightens your leg, which is supposed to help stave off scar tissue formation inside the hip. And it was rough. I needed my husband’s help to get strapped into the thing, I could never find a comfortable way to position my leg, the thing was noisy as hell so I couldn’t nap while I was using it, and I was lying flat on my back so it was hard to read a book or watch a show without hurting my neck. It sucked and I was so glad when I was cleared to stop using it.