The optimism that the fascists will allow their opponents to speak is amusing.
And the notion that even if they do, that the media corporations will cover it unspun is even less likely.
The optimism that the fascists will allow their opponents to speak is amusing.
And the notion that even if they do, that the media corporations will cover it unspun is even less likely.
There has been a lot of discourse as to whether it would happen at all due to the periodic “seasons” of small earthquakes the region gets. The idea being that maybe the pressure will be released slowly over time.
The recent quakes that were noticed do stick out of the curve a bit, but they are still very weak ones and are consistent with a gradual release.
It is worth noting that there have been 25 detected quakes in the region in the last 2 weeks.
Wikipedia, linka provided.
Of specific note is funding and structure, Then in activities section.
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is a shadowy nonprofit that has regularly worked to:
• suppress native rights and claims
• fight against gun legislation
• fight against gas and oil taxes.
• fight against public health care
Also they are part of the Atlas Network, a global chain of right wing conservative “think tanks” that include such fantastic groups like the far right Fraser Institute that pushes to abolish public education and the Cato Institute that is literally one of the lobbying arms of the Koch group.
Sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Taxpayers_Federation https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlas_Network
House brand products are almost always made by one of the big guys. It can be tricky to figure out who though.
For Save On Foods Western Family, here are the ones I recall, I may be wrong now. Eggs are Golden Valley, same as all of the other eggs. As I recall: The tortilla chips are Old Dutch, the rest are Lays As I recall: Yogurt is Astro(made in Canada, parent company Lactalis, France). Cream cheese is made by Parmalat(Canadian made, company is Italian, parent company Lactalis)