Article 7 them, then.
Article 7 them, then.
By that definition they are absolute amateurs. Most wars were ended in a few seconds with a couple of strokes of a pen.
To each their own, but when I play games I want games that are fun to play. When I want realistic graphics I just go for a walk.
If we exclude number of nukes, because if they become the main factor of a war everyone loses, Europe (EU+UK) has more active military… everything… than Russia and China. In most metrics Europe surpasses the US, and if we include Ukraine then it surpasses the US in everything except spending.
The only thing holding Europe back is Europe. If our politicians get their shit together and put their national egos aside for a bit, then the only thing we need from the US is for them to get the fuck out of Europe.
Hint: the one that uses the same methods of control as Los Zettas, and also competes with them in human and drug trafficking, money counterfeiting, etc.
Invasion of what? What’s a North Korea? If Taiwan can’t be recognised as a real country then there’s also only one Korea that’s partially occupied by a glorified cartel.
They could be welcomed into the EU in a heartbeat.
Assuming they completely changed their food and product regulations and adapted everything from agricultural and animal husbandry to building codes to match the EU overnight.
Otherwise it’s more of a decades long process.
Even CETA is still not ratified because Canadian ranchers and farmers still insist on using growth hormones and have trouble dealing with European GMO tracking and labelling.
Think about the poor KPIs that will not be met otherwise. And try not to think about Goodhart’s law.