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Mantra: “We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach… No War but Class War!”

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  • 60 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Russian kool aid

    It is understandable to be pro-war and a total warmonger because growing up in the United States, all the propaganda we hear and are taught since we are born is done to make us not question or critically think about our imperialist ways.

    Growing up and learning the non-propaganda history and other views should shift you away from US military propaganda of liking forever wars and the blind nationalism of bringing “democracy” to Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and Asia.

    shady shit

    That is a major downplaying and rewriting of the true history of our country.

    Here is a small example of what we do to other countries and the only reason we know about this is due to it being leaked by great people:

    I suggest reading up on the military leaks and many more independent journalists, fewer legacy media viewpoints; the major ones are Julian Assange and Edward Snowden leaks.

    Russian propaganda

    You do know that people can come to the same conclusion without needing others to tell us what to think or being tricked into seeing the world a certain way…

    I suggest learning about the Uhuru Three and the Uhuru Movement:

    I got reminded of a song: dead prez - They School |

  • The CIA does not only torture under Trump, the problem is the duopoly (Republicans and Democrats).

    The duopoly will work together to fund and vote for more forever wars.

    “They Have Money For War But Can’t Feed The Poor.” – Tupac Shakur

    Generated Summary:

    This YouTube video explores the history and implications of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation program, comparing it to Nazi Germany’s torture policies. The video uses a provocative gimmick—the creators attempting (and failing) to replicate some torture techniques on themselves—to engage viewers and illustrate the brutality of the real thing.

    Main Topic: The CIA’s use of torture, its historical context, its ineffectiveness, and its lasting impact.

    Key Points:

    • Historical Parallels: The video draws a direct comparison between the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation” techniques and Nazi Germany’s systematic torture methods, highlighting the plagiarism of techniques and justifications.
    • Ineffectiveness of Torture: The video emphasizes that torture is ineffective in gathering reliable intelligence, as victims will confess to anything to stop the pain.
    • Legal Loopholes and Justification: The video exposes how the US government used legal loopholes and manipulated public opinion (fueled by post-9/11 media) to justify its torture program.
    • The Role of Media: The video criticizes the complicity of mainstream media in downplaying or ignoring the torture, contrasting it with the work of independent journalists who risked their lives to expose the truth.
    • Victims’ Experiences: The video features interviews with a victim of CIA torture (Mambu Habib) and an independent journalist (Olivia Ruse) who documented the abuses at Abu Ghraib, providing harrowing firsthand accounts.
    • Psychological Impact: The video highlights the devastating psychological effects of torture, emphasizing that the mental trauma often surpasses the physical pain.
    • Continuing Problem: The video concludes by expressing concern that the use of torture continues, citing the Trump administration’s policies and the ongoing operation of Guantanamo Bay.


    • Dramatic Recreations: The creators’ attempts to replicate waterboarding and confinement in a small box, while ultimately unsuccessful and intended as a gimmick, serve to highlight the severity of the real torture methods.
    • Harrowing Interviews: The interviews with Mambu Habib and Olivia Ruse provide powerful and emotional accounts of the brutality and lasting consequences of CIA torture.
    • Stark Comparisons: The parallel drawn between the CIA’s program and Nazi Germany’s methods is shocking and effective in illustrating the systematic nature of the abuse.
    • Call to Action: The video implicitly calls for greater accountability and transparency regarding the CIA’s actions and the ongoing use of torture worldwide.

  • Video Description:

    When it all comes tumbling down, where will you be? The average empire lasts 250 years and the US empire is 248 yrs old and spiraling out of control. Is this the end of the US empire?


    1. 0:00 Intro
    2. 1:16 Fall of Rome
    3. 3:40 America’s Internal Decay
    4. 6:34 Hard & Soft Power
    5. 7:05 Persian Empire
    6. 9:15 American Soft Power
    7. 11:09 Britain’s Fall
    8. 12:20 American Hard Power
    9. 15:09 Outro

    Generated Summary:

    Main Topic: The video analyzes the potential decline of the American Empire, drawing parallels to the falls of past empires like Rome and Persia. It argues that America’s internal contradictions, loss of soft power, and overreliance on hard power are leading to its eventual collapse.

    Key Points:

    • Comparison to Past Empires: The video uses the decline of the Roman and Persian Empires as case studies to illustrate the cyclical nature of empires and the common factors leading to their downfall. Key similarities highlighted include internal corruption, widening wealth inequality, loss of public trust, and overreliance on military might.
    • Loss of Soft Power: America’s soft power, once a significant source of influence (Hollywood, culture, democratic ideals), is eroding due to actions perceived as hypocritical or morally questionable on the global stage. This loss of credibility weakens its international standing.
    • Overreliance on Hard Power: The US’s excessive military spending and interventions, often perceived as self-serving, are unsustainable and alienate allies while strengthening adversaries. This overreliance on hard power is a symptom of a failing empire.
    • Internal Decay: Significant internal issues like extreme wealth inequality, a failing healthcare system, and political polarization are contributing to social unrest and a loss of faith in the American dream. These internal problems mirror the issues that plagued Rome.
    • Financial Instability: The video suggests that the US’s massive debt and unsustainable military spending are contributing to its financial instability, further weakening its position.


    • The video uses strong imagery and emotional appeals to emphasize the severity of the situation.
    • It directly challenges the notion of American exceptionalism and the “American Dream,” arguing that it is increasingly unattainable for many.
    • The presenter offers a pessimistic outlook, suggesting that America’s decline is inevitable unless significant changes are made.
    • The video effectively uses historical examples to support its central argument.