- Forgot scan app with virus total
- Investigate if hits are false positives
- Get frustrated and run exe any way
All about the Donnies is not bad.
The majority doesn’t approve of more LGBT characters either, it’s just Newsweek being intentionally misleading.
In summary, 36 percent disapproved in some form, 34 percent approved, while 31 percent neither approved nor disapproved, or didn’t know how they felt.
I’d venture the majority of people prefer a good story. When you shoehorn any elements into a story it distracts the audience. The Star Trek Beyond Lt Sulu scene is a good example it did not provide any character or story development. Many of the star wars shows have similar elements which hurt an all ready damaged story.
The whole reason I’m conservative is because of my distrust of government. I can’t understand why an Orwellian position of tracking pregnant women would be popular to anyone with conservative values. Even under the guise of protecting babies this is disgusting.