If you look at the places where they treat it like a business, they release the hostages so they can continue doing the business. If you start killing the hostages, or not releasing them, your next victim won’t pay. What’s the point?
If you look at the places where they treat it like a business, they release the hostages so they can continue doing the business. If you start killing the hostages, or not releasing them, your next victim won’t pay. What’s the point?
Are you planning on setting up a kidnapping business?
You better release the hostages, or you can only do this once. If you want a recurring business model people have to have confidence you will keep your end of the bargain
Depends what your goals are.
If you want to make sure every person has access to a little bit of gold? Yeah go for it
If you want to make everyone a little bit richer? No it won’t change anything, you’ve just raised all boats by the same amount. There’s no relative difference, it won’t have any impact on the economy
GPS depends on a friendly spectrum. I suspect the FCC is preparing for a war where GPS will be jammed, faked, or destroyed.
The key is defense in depth. Don’t trust anything more then you need to. Even if your router is compromised the hosts should be hardened, the traffic should be encrypted, etc
Unless there is a compelling feature, or security issue, there is no rush to upgrade. Let the bugs get ironed out
Ha, i have zero social media footprint other then lemmy… I’ve had identically named people cause some confusion with HR before…
Great game to play with friends using a limited vocabulary
Something like paperback and multiple copies distributed around the world
This sounds like insurance fraud
Popularity is currency, if someone presence in a production will bring more eyeballs or prestige then it has value.
The same reason a small YouTuber makes less then a huge YouTuber when doing a ad read
Ground beef mixed with eggs, salt pepper etc. you can eat it Luke warm or heat it at the job site.
Or hard boiled eggs, easy to travel, easy to eat.
Both are good options providing good fats and protein for your job.
The big thing is the make sure you have enough electrolytes (sodium, potassium) thought the day
Some people think they need to carb load to do physical activity, that isn’t true. If you become fat adapted (ketogenic) you can tap into the tens of thousands of calories the human body stores as fat. The human body does not store sugar / carbs, you only have about 5g circulating in the blood stream at any time. The theory of carb loading is you try to replace that 5g of sugar as your using it in the blood stream, thats a hard game to play.
Bonus: if you go full carnivore you won’t have to poop at the job site
You would be fine, you could do it for a long time.
All carb meal: spike your blood sugar
All protein meal: no issues
All fat meal: no issues
Fat is totally processed by the stomach/largesmall intestine, none of it makes it to the smalllarge intestine. I’ve done a fat fast before, so I can tell you from personal experience, no issues.
Downsides: eating fat and protein before carbs in a single meal can reduce the glycemic spike of the carbs.
Upsides: since your keeping your carbs to one meal, you only spike your glucose once per day, this is a from of intermittent fasting/time restricted eating. You will actually see improvements in your insulin sensitivity over time.
Note: after the fat and protein meals you will feel full and Happy, after the carb meal you will feel quickly hungry. Carbs are not great for your health, and you can live very healthily without any carbs whatsoever.
This is a great video, I havent seen it before.
I like this cited document on the subject as well: https://www.dietdoctor.com/low-carb/red-meat
There is a !ketogenic@dubvee.org community here if your interested.
That is up to you!
Evolution has selected for people who want to continue, those who are happy to fade away don’t stay in the gene pool.
You play the hand you are dealt.
We are only here because a long unbroken line of ancestors were successful in reproducing, even in adverse conditions
Poor Semmelweis he deserved better
I totally agree with your comment but would like to add:
Most of the studies used to vilify Animal sourced foods are observational, based on food frequency questionnaires, the entire cohort is eating high carb, and heavily influenced by healthy patient confounders. At best these are hypothesis generating papers, they should not be used to make diet choices, or set policies.
While supplies last. Going out of business, final sale
Sure you’d see a general increase in net worth, but it would be exactly matched by the inflation of raising everybody’s net worth by the same amount.