This never made sense, we should bring asylum seekers into the various european countries so they can be distribute evenly, no matter where they arrived first.
This never made sense, we should bring asylum seekers into the various european countries so they can be distribute evenly, no matter where they arrived first.
No they don’t. Their CEO is an idiot and said that Republicans are the party of small business and did so on the official Proton social media channels. But it clearly is their opinion and they never said they support Republicans and Trump on anything else.
In Switzerland it’s Twint, but if you are from here you probably knew that, we seldom need to use any other payment system.
Softwaere engineer in Switzerland, I work 36h a week, 5 days a week. I start at 8:30 and usually work till 16:30 which gives me plenty of time for my hobbies. Company is fully owned by its workers which is not bad eithet even though 50℅ belong to the top C-suite managers (which they bough from their bosses when they left the company, so the shares do stay with the employees). I make around 110k CHF a year (which is nice as I only pay like 6k in income tax). Pretty happy.
Petzl is missing, they are French.