Canada Post warehouses sound amazing. It’s the one thing that’s making it hard for everyone to switch away from Amazon as a marketplace.
Canada Post warehouses sound amazing. It’s the one thing that’s making it hard for everyone to switch away from Amazon as a marketplace.
I use mine to sign up for random crap and made a game of trying to get as much spam as possible. I tick all the e-mail options.
And spending that money to get us cheaper transit in the long term will probably also free up more resources to help the remaining 16%.
It allows you to plan out what happens during/around it. For example, should my leisure time the day before be something more fun but cognitively demanding or more chill and relaxing?
It also allows you to get in the right state of mind for the work. In my experience (is this also an autistic thing? I don’t know), if you’re mentally prepared for something very difficult and unpleasant, it greatly cuts down on how unpleasant it is, sometimes even turning that difficult thing into a fun challenge. If you mentally prepare for something that’s worse than what’s actually ahead, you end up with way too much excess energy and the need to look for problems to solve even when no problems exist.
To make wine at all is trivial. Juice + yeast + time and you’re done. The hard part is making a predictable product and being able to afford the space for it.
People don’t want the rat race anymore than we want to pay exorbitant prices for healthcare or housing or food. But making customers happy isn’t as profitable.
Think about it. If everything was always available at the cheapest possible price, what would your shopping habits look like? You would buy things exactly when you need them. If you have to deal with higher normal prices and occasional sales, then you need to plan ahead and buy when things are cheap instead of when you need them. That means buying more stuff than you need because you didn’t plan adequately and got stuff that you never ended up needing.
Let’s be real, it’ll probably happen faster on 40 hour work weeks than 60.
Anything you buy that comes in a bag can be moved into a jar. It saves a lot of space because jars tesselate nicer and can use up vertical space more efficiently. It also encourages you to actually use the things you buy because you’ve now removed the friction of digging through piles of bags and hoping that the bag you pull out isn’t load bearing for the rest of the pile. Opening a jar is also much easier than opening/resealing bags.
We never have enough jars in this household.
Fascinating thread. Is there some genetic component that makes broccoli stinky to some people and not others? Is this why some people are averse to broccoli? I’m surprised to see everyone just accepting the premise of the question. I love boiling broccoli precisely because it smells amazing.
It’s called taxes