Negative. I am a meat popsicle.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • If someone calls you a Nazi and you lean into it, you’re a white supremacist bag of shit. Not a Nazi, mind, but just a racist piece of shit. And likewise, if you defend doing it as “just a troll, to own the libz”.

    A private citizen should be allowed make whatever gesture they want. And I am free to point out that makes him a racist shitbag, along with his defenders. Like you.

    He, however, is no longer acting soley as a private citizen, so it is much worse. Go ahead and defend that now. He also voiced support for AfD. You know, the German far-right party. The one that is the spiritual successor to the actual Nazis. I’m sure you’ll argue that was just a troll and hes really a swell guy, right?

  • My first computer job was at a college that used names from ancient history and mythology. So I mostly still do that. Medea is my plex server. Zeus and Hera are the hosts for docker and VMs. Heimdall is the router.

    The only break in the pattern is my storage, which is currently NASC and NASD…

    Oh and my personal machine used to be HAL_9000 (complete with wallpaper and theme sounds) but now I just name it “box.”