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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 23rd, 2024

  • I will be the first to lean into the fact that over the next 5 years, workflow in every company will change dramatically. It’s going to be like the shift from no one having email, to everyone doing business by email.

    But you know what’s a bad idea? Rawdogging that change in real time, on spec, with your human workflow staff out in the street, and your staff are politically-appointed children, all while things like critical infrastructure, healthcare, nukes, air traffic, and the military are your “in production” assets that might go down. All to try and be the guy that shoves his AI in the gap.

    All governments moved to email slowly because, among other reasons, email is inherently insecure. Email use by governments, records laws, and encryption standards progressed together. None of those types of knock-ons are considered here.

  • I’ve worked and lived in a lot of developing countries. I can’t shout into the void any more then I already do, that I’ve seen this a dozen times.

    Colleagues of mine that lived under corrupt kleptocracies with things like massive state surveillance of average people for simply being in the wrong political party tell me how great it is that the US has finally caught up with them.

    The commonality is that we have already, in 6 weeks, hit a point of it taking a generation to undo what’s been done.

    The people who aren’t freaked out are either normal people that don’t have a sense of what’s coming and can’t comprehend life outside the status quo, and those that think they’ll directly benefit from it all.

  • Adding to “find an activity to socialize around,” things like martial arts or casual sports leagues are great for this because they have a way out mixing up a group with fairly diverse backgrounds. You could also do something lime Toastmasters for public speaking practice, which helps you express yourself better. None of this had to be an immediate life long commitment, jump around and test out group until you find one that fits your interests.

  • The internet used to feel like a treasure hunt because it wasn’t indexed well, and a large part of the surface content were pages made by oddball people letting their weirdness run wild without social limitations.

    Sure, algorithms keep most normies in a social media ecosystem, but it’s also not exactly easy for me to make a truly anonymous website about the awesome predictions I’ve made from looking at the patterns in my breakfast cereal every morning - AND just let it be. There’s pressure to promote it, crosspost it, etc. Even the fun of thought experiments posted to a GeoCities page come with risks now.

    Maybe I’m jaded and lack the youthful energy to stay up until 4:30am slapping im14amdthisisdeep stuff somewhere. Maybe everyone else that’s just slightly weird still expects to get paid for that with ads when it all used to be free and fun.

  • Small scale: The lack of constant mean pranks. You can’t tell me that shitbag kids aren’t polyjuicing everyone into dogs and donkeys 20 times a day, and thats the PG version. Ain’t no way dudes aren’t making their dicks 30 feet long for fun.

    Large Scale: Wizarding culture is tremendously trite, shallow, and terrible. They are the worst of humanity with super powers, all because of …genetics? It’s still super privledge eugenics at the end of the day, and Voldemort is just making daylight decisions about everything that the non-DeathEaters blithly comply with every single day.