The comments in this thread remind me of something, I forget the original medium, but it was about fairy tales.
Paraphrasing, it spoke about how people passed along fairy tales, not because of our belief in dragons existing, but to reassure us that dragons can be defeated.
Also I recommend everyone watch, or rewatch, V for Vendetta. Many may suggest reading it, which is absolutely as valid. However, as a fan of movies, Hugo Weaving’s performance is in a league of it’s own.
It’s time for space and time to go. Black holes suck because reality blows.
-John Goblikon
“The aid can only be given if the area is safe.”
“Why is the area unsafe?”
“Because of what we’re going to do to you if you don’t capitulate.”
Now that is an interesting question. I’d have to do some research to form a hypothesis, but I’m sure the field work will yield interesting results regardless of outcome. Given the different environments in which these vehicles can be found, it may require many peer reviewed studies before any conclusive results can be determined.
How do you think the end would go?
All the screens went black a few moments ago, and smoke is starting to find it’s way in. Do you think a moment of painful irony will wash over them, that the same systems designed to keep others out will keep us in? Like the legendary city of Troy, we cannot get out once they are in?
Or do think, with their last gasp of breathable air, they curse the liberals and communists?
Kinda like how Hitler started spreading his rhetoric with workers. Get fucked, fascists. We need a real workers party, from the ground up. Not a rebranded rainbow capitalist party. Democrats are useless and should be abandoned.
We are speaking of the same tree, friend, though some roots go deeper than others. I think the path down the road you mentioned diverges here. I believe there was ill intent behind this, though I cannot offer any proof.
No idea who that is, but an important lesson I learned from Uvalde is the is the unintended consequences of the capitalistic virtue of rugged individualism. Even professional tough guys, when thinking death is on the line, will hesitate.
As a minority in america, when some iteration of the proud boys comes knocking, demanding to see a birth certificate, it is imperative that you get them thinking that there’s a chance that they don’t walk away. Get them thinking, “What about me?” and your chances of survival should increase.
I understand that many will be reticent to threaten another with violence and death, which is perfectly reasonable. However, unfortunately, that is not the reality in which we live. Edit: Formatting, spelling
Perhaps to desensitize the common person to the impending brutal violence that will be sweeping the united states.
On a related note, if you are a member of a marginalized group in the united states, you are behind the curve if you do not own, and are not basically proficient with, some form of self defense. This includes some kind of martial art, but a visible deterent is prefered.
I disagree, she’s a Horseman of the Apcolypse.