Cuba is doing fine? It wasn’t long ago that I read in the news about the entire Island going dark because of a lack of fuel for generators.
They may have some positive areas, but they are suffering in many ways.
Cuba is doing fine? It wasn’t long ago that I read in the news about the entire Island going dark because of a lack of fuel for generators.
They may have some positive areas, but they are suffering in many ways.
I sang that two nights ago, at our local open mic. Went over very well, but then again the average age was probably over 70.
I remember a theory that the US government asked Microsoft to purchase Skype and change it from p2p to server-based, so that they could intercept decrypted communications.
Skype was originally made by a European company (Latvian?).
I hate when a website allows me to deselect corporate partners who have access to my data, but rather than deselecting all of them it offers me the chance to manually select 600 or 800 one at a time.
Every person Quebec either has access to fiber internet, or (if it is not practical to lay fiber) subsidized Starlink. So there must be sizable contract there.
One of the giveaways for me was the complete ignorance of the Canadian post-secondary system.
She said that she’s taking pre-health sciences at George Brown College. College in Canada means community college (which George Brown is). You take a course, typically 1-3 years, with a specific goal in mind.
Also, Canadian universities do not offer pre-med or pre-health sciences tracks. You get a degree in chemistry, biology, or whatever, and apply for med school irrespective of the program you are in. One of my classmates was accepted into medical school straight out of chemical engineering. Someone else I know was finishing a degree in Spanish literature when he was accepted into medical school.