Yes it does. Supporting countries that happen to be democracies as well as supporting countries that happen to be dictatorships according to your national interests is far different from supporting democracy as a goal.
Yes it does. Supporting countries that happen to be democracies as well as supporting countries that happen to be dictatorships according to your national interests is far different from supporting democracy as a goal.
Are non yanks allowed to factcheck Sanders’ pro USA propaganda?
The talking points might be, that supremacist US attitude is not. It’s been there for decades.
Its not the Russians or Trump there is big part of the US that is hostile to anybody but their, imagined, version of America and places no real value on others even allies.
I am not struggling with anything, you are just not making any sense.
By your arguments Canada should neither put tariffs on the US nor really promote a boycott since in both cases, Canadians lose out. So why did you suggest Canada should respond with a boycott?
But if Canadians actually boycott a US product it doesn’t matter whether the price is increased or not since they will not be buying it anyways. It only makes a difference for the Canadians that will not boycott US goods.
Respectively passing up on a cheaper/better US good due to boycott will hurt the boycotter.
The only difference is if individual Canadians get a choice or not.
Are you talking about prices in the USA? I am asking why you prefer a boycott by Canadians instead of Canadian sanctions which would raise the prices in Canada. But if you are for a boycott the price as set by tariffs is irrelevant if it’s not bought anyways.
Is your issue with tariffs vs voluntary boycott the removal of choice from the individual?
Politically an effort to be strong-armed must be answered in terms that the aggressor will perceive as strong. A call for a voluntary boycott will not cut it. It will also not be as effective at reducing reliance on US which Canada probably actually needs.
Well this thread is ample proof on why you can’t trust American “leftists”/“progressives”/etc.
The jingoism runs deep and there is no low they want drop to to defend their country and their golden idols.
You could just admit that Sanders can be wrong, but so many just chose to go “actually, he is not wrong, the US sometimes supports democracies instead of dictators.”