I graduated with a philosophy degree. I’m a lawyer now. So are a huge chunk of my classmates from undergrad.
Even the ones who didn’t go on and get more schooling tended to find white collar work in some kind of business, same as the people who majored in business administration, finance, marketing, other business school fluff.
There are plenty of majors that are interesting and help students learn how to think, how to write, and how to research. And there are plenty of career paths that don’t care about major, just want to see a 4-year degree for their entry level people.
Most of us have many different parts of the job, and like certain parts more than others.
A doctor may be passionate about actually solving medical issues but might hate communicating with difficult patients, dealing with paperwork and recordkeeping software, dealing with insurance companies, marketing his practice, managing staff, etc.
Programmers may actually love coding but hate dealing with customer requirements, or the office politics of sales versus delivery, or even the way their team is run.
It’s like that everywhere. If anyone is only able to do work they’re passionate about, that person is gonna have a rough career.