When it’s owned and operated by a literal open bigot and the fact it only became popular after the bigot was removed from his office chair because of it? Yes, that’s a valid reason.
I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Anarchist/libsoc. If we’re stuck with a government, it should use its taxes for healthcare and education, not murdering.
When it’s owned and operated by a literal open bigot and the fact it only became popular after the bigot was removed from his office chair because of it? Yes, that’s a valid reason.
Brave evangelists are the ones who enabled him to do this, they love it.
They’re crying with joy, not rage or fear.
Always has been. I considered anyone who used it slightly sus until further proof. And if they basically advertised it, I considered them too far gone to try anything else.
Right wing asshole shows to the world again that they never improved and are even more of a right wing asshole.
This is why I never used Brave anything longer than a brief look. Fuck this dude, I’m glad Mozilla removed him.
If I had a nickel every time I saw a liberal in glee about Palestine in the last 4 years, I’d have enough to move out of this hellhole.
God Trump is such a narcissist. I’m sure he wanted every dollar bill but $100 is the highest denomination.
You wanna claim it’s literally 1984 for being called out like a Republican does? Not a good luck for you.
What’s next, “it’s just words! Thought police are after me! I’m getting cancelled!”
If you’re trans I apologize but I haven’t talked about anyone else in the last few weeks.
I don’t harras trans women. Sorry I read the words you write through angry tears about online drama.
Nope, because I don’t do that, especially when they’re assholes to someone else. I don’t try to misgender Caitlin Jenner.
You’re the one saying Blahaj has squads of downvotes anytime someone disagrees with the hive. I’m using your tactics against you to see how silly you sound.
PugJesus hates being called out, sends downvote squads.
He’s still butthurt days later, and says he’s not offended or hurt. I just got back from seeing a movie with my family in the outside world. Fresh air. Maybe Pug can do that when he’s done saulking about online drama.
Man I love the fact you can see human hands made these drawings. Perfectly humanly imperfect.
I thought Thunderbird was a separate entitiy from Mozilla these days? And K-9 isn’t owned by Thunderbird either? Am I mistaken?
I also don’t even consume porn because I’m not some loser degen
And there it is. Good unmasking of your true self there.
They do, people mock them all the time.
“Unskilled jobs” “I don’t need to listen to a burger flipper rentoid”
Can confirm with my fetish. Some great artists and live actors who do it, but 90% of the content for it online is bad MS Paint level edits and horrid acting with props. That 10%? God tier, the community showers them in praise and commissions and only stop when they want to, unless a payment service like Visa or Patreon censors them and their livelihood as consenting adults.
All work is selling your body for money, sex work is just using it for sexual pleasure instead of selling burgers or making equipment.
When it’s owned and operated by a literal open bigot and the fact it only became popular after the bigot was removed from his office chair because of it, I have every reason to question why someone uses a browser that promotes crypto, and steals from the content creators it said it funds.