My tongue is exactly the same with the “D” in “dentist” and “dog.”
TTRPG enthusiast and lifelong DM. Very gay 🏳️🌈.
“Yes, yes. Aim for the sun. That way if you miss, at least your arrow will fall far away, and the person it kills will likely be someone you don’t know.”
- Hoid
My tongue is exactly the same with the “D” in “dentist” and “dog.”
Low draw means low power and penetration. For speed shooting or distracting/stunning a target, that would be helpful, but you’re not gonna kill someone unless it’s a very lucky shot. There’s a reason war bows were such high draw weight, and it wasn’t for piercing plate. More power means more energy retained over distance and more energy delivered to the target. If you’re needing to speed shoot in close quarters in a self defense scenario, you’re probably better off using the bow as a club or stabbing them with an arrow directly. Archers usually carried other weapons for that reason.
This doesn’t pass the smell test, as someone that has followed the Greens for years. If you thought his actions were “tone policing” then I’m immediately questioning your actions, since all I’ve seen is a standup guy and educator. I’m happy to be corrected with a link, but I’m not seeing what you’re talking about.