For one shot I imagine
For one shot I imagine
You’d have to have the most insanely strong calves in history to push up using your feet only.
How is an instance going to get my battery level?
I don’t feel college is about teaching you how to do <current technique> so much as it is about teaching you how to critically think and teach yourself.
I’m currently working in healthcare IT as an EMR analyst, I’ve got a degree in biochemistry. My IT experience is from fucking with my own computer since ~1999. I don’t feel I missed out on much by not getting a degree relevant to my current career.
I never performed a Western blot a single time outside of a classroom lab but learning that process, how it worked, the precision and attention to detail needed to do the thing, how to troubleshoot a failed test, etc have been relevant regardless if I’m doing clinical lab stuff or implementing a new cardiology computer system.
Then again I also didn’t go to college for tech so maybe I’m not understanding the issue here. Are people in IT not expected to learn on the job about how things are done at that organization? That’s been my admittedly narrow experience in the field.
Do you have a link for that? Everything I’m finding says they can’t breathe through their mouth. There’s one scientific paper where they found a mouth breathing dolphin and said this has never been described in a scientific paper before. As far as I can tell there’s just this one dolphin who’s been seen doing it.
Here’s a paper describing a dolphin that died due to blowhole obstruction:
To me it seems more like a one off case that a dolphin was able to mouth breathe, not that all of them can.
It says “speaking in Italian” on my pirated copy.
Electron beams scan insanely fast, that isn’t the limiting factor. Getting that much bandwidth across a VGA cable is tough. If you wanted super high refresh rates on old CRTs you’d have to drop the resolution. Same concept.
Changing the resolution on a CRT normally doesn’t make the picture smaller. There is no native resolution, phosphors are not pixels. My Viewsonic would display 640x480 or 1600x1200 on the whole 21” regardless. You can also watch the video, it’s not using a smaller area.
I believe the limitation is bandwidth, not the electron beam.
Global Positioning System, I sleep
Universal Positioning System, real shit