Nah. Those are not my words. It’s a quotation. You may not have experienced those in your long life.
Did you actually read the list of contradictory statements you’ve written.
Nah. Those are not my words. It’s a quotation. You may not have experienced those in your long life.
Did you actually read the list of contradictory statements you’ve written.
"Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” – G. Michael Hopf
If I am left wing and the body-left moves left then I am right wing. Extreme Left wing circles around to become extreme right and then moderate.
They call it history. You spell it P-R-O-P-A-G-A-N-D-A, and the most well read of you think that it’s a small country in east central Africa.
Thank-you very much. I knew about the shooting but didn’t recognise the name.
Again, thank-you very much for your service!
I’m having difficulty deciding whether that was what the US second amendment was intended for, rather than letting their kids shoot each other in school.
Out of the loop somehow, what is (this) Luigi all about?
Presupposes that you’ve used some of my other five words.
Reserves an Honourable mention, though.
Extensive research conducted all over the world. I love Asia but am awful with the language(s). French/France is my favourite place.
Flip a coin.
Not because it’s anything to do with the coin, but because, by the time it lands, you will either be trying to rationalise the way it landed or be happy that it landed that way.
In other words, you’ll have already made up your mind what to do by the time it lands.
The coin only represents the finality of being good with what you’ve chosen; some might say the urgency element.
Old fart here. Loyalty doesn’t figure in business anymore. That’s not a cynical position, it’s a true position, especially in relation to staff.
Loyalty actually stops you doing what’s best for the company because you will be disinclined to present momentum which might undermine (accidentally or otherwise) someone to whom you are loyal.
Yes, pretty sure no-one is going to (be able to) look back on Gen Z and remember their achievements, except maybe in a negative way.
When your wife says she’s ready to move to the next level.
Hahaha. They could stop in an instant if they wanted to.
They’re funded by giving our data to AI.
You’re either
An undervalued post.