I was getting screwed up voicemail speech to text way before AI. 🤷
I was getting screwed up voicemail speech to text way before AI. 🤷
Longer if it has some kind of small power. I think I read that somewhere.
Have you tried putting your shoes away like you were taught as a kid?
e: tough crowd I guess 🤷
And his cult is too stupid to know either way.
Can’t have anyone taking about the abuses going on, it makes Glorious Leader look bad.
As always, fuck reddit.
Looks like around 3 TB
You can get a copy of reddit data from just before It happened, run your very own searchable database. No need to go there at all.
Fuck reddit.
Don’t insult Ferengis. They’re actually smart.
And next time have it when asked or we’ll do this again.
Good to see people taking “information demands to be free” seriously.
It probably doesn’t matter which specific band.
Short version is it’s a man-in-the-middle detector to see if you’re being spied on, using a cheap off the shelf cellular device.
I know for phones even an inactive sim works to talk to the towers enough for 911 to work. Might be the same.
Fuck that guy and everyone that attaches to him.
said an egghead thing
The dumbification really does seem to permeate everything everywhere, doesn’t it. Imagine circlejerking antiintellectual regime taking points on lemmy.
Well I guess that’s what it takes to make Microsoft’s ocean bottom data center look reasonable. 😬