I’d just rent a cabin in a nearby mountain.
I don’t see the appeal in going far away from vacation.
I’d just rent a cabin in a nearby mountain.
I don’t see the appeal in going far away from vacation.
If you talk like that no one is going to want to talk with you.
What the hell did you just write, accusing me of antisemitism?
It’s really hard to even understand what you are talking about, really.
The sacrifices? The slaughter? The jews? The nobility? Shilling? Pogroms? Roblox Minecraft and graphics cards? A supposedly academic level knowledge of LLM but calling them autocorrect?
I’m not going to follow this conversation. That’s just my decision right now.
Autocorrect what the fuck? Models inherently conservative, wtf?
You show a vast lack of knowledge. Probably your source of information is just propaganda.
I know it’s an easy fight to pick. A trending dogma which is easy to support. You don’t really need to think, you just got pointed an easy enemy that’s easy to identify, and that’s easy to just be against and you follow that.
But the true enemy is not there.
Your heart is probably in the good place. But if you waste your strength fighting something useless is an incredible wasted of resources and spirit. You’ll achieve nothing, while the true enemy (which are human beings that doesn’t care about AI being a success or not) will keep laughing at you.
They have been oppressing you since before electricity. If you think AI is a tool needed for oppression you are deeply wrong.
Software have been implied in decision making for decades.
Anyway, the true responsible of a denial in a medical treatment has never been account responsible (except for our angel Luigi), no matter if AI has been used or not.
I don’t really know how it’s better a human denying you a kidney rather than a AI.
It’s not like it’s something that makes more or less kidneys available for transplant anyway.
Terrible example.
It would have been better to make an example out of some other treatment that does not depend on finite recourses but only in money. Still, a human is now rejecting your needed treatments without the need of an AI, but at least it would make some sense.
In the end, as always, people who has chosen the AI as the “enemy” have not understand anything about the current state of society and how things work. Another example of how picking the wrong fights is a path to failure.
Just syphon other people’s eggs contents using a long straw whenever they are distracted.
There are plenty of paid products that do not respect your privacy and sell your data.
And there’s free products that do respect your privacy and don’t make you the product. They are community products.
For instance I offer my bandwidth and storage to thousands of strangers to share torrents and they do the same to me. No secondhand transactions happening.
Identity policies at work.
It doesn’t matter what you do, it only matters what labels do you have.
Of important things you will get informed want it or not.
It’s better to just pursue news on things you like and enjoy to avoid depression.
If news stress you out I would recommend to actually avoid them. It’s what I do and I am still oversaturated with news, so there’s no risk on being missinformed.
That’s not tech. That’s company policies.
Streaming services, as a tech has evolved and it’s a better technology that it was before. New encoding formats allow for transfer of more data over less bandwidth for instance.
Online communications, as in forums as such, as also evolved with new and better ways of posting, and better security (I remember when websites just stored your password in plain text).
What people complain about are mostly company policies, not technology. Netflix charging more for less content, or Reddit banning third party apps are not tech. Those things are not developed. They are just a company decision.
And company decisions are as bad as always. People also got screw by companies in the 90s. People who just notice more now is because now they are older.
Not everyone wants to socially interact. That’s something to respect.
I tend to prioritize not-human services, as social interaction exhaust me.
When I used to work with customers I really didn’t like when people starting talking about unnecessary staff. The less I had to interact the better for me.
Times change. I see nothing wrong with it. Same as you used to be able to park without paying, then you started to pay, and now it’s moving from those machines to phone apps. And in the future there may be other form of pay, or maybe parking is directly forbidden o who knows what but there will be a change, for sure. Because things change.
It’s just nostalgia working. Things change. You were more capable of dealing with change at a younger age and that’s why you see the older the people get the more they complain about everything.
But is just a change, like many other that came before that.
Yep, I also been growing older and I have nostalgia for old times. But I’m well aware that grass is only greener on my memory, as it has always been.
Because what’s the point. Your internet is not their internet. And if they would see that they won’t care. Only thing you are doing is mentally saturating your own people and give them a reason for just leaving to more peaceful places that are not posting 24/7 about something that depresses them.
75 million people is the estimated death tool of WW2.
For comparison Vietnam war has an estimation of 1.3 million deaths.
You are more informed in how shitty the world have always been.
Also the decades from the 90s to the 10s were probably a small golden age that has already ended.
Ok tidy up this place. We have visitors coming soon.
It was not about getting paid for API usage, though they let the door open so they could sell that service for very specific purposes but not for alternative apps.
Their point, and it was admitted during the leaked conversation with one of the independent app developers, was about opportunity cost. Their official apps offer ways to get more money out of users, more advertisement, in app payments and all that. That’s the reason why the phone browser experience has also been killed.