bet she won’t be censured for “decorum violations”.
sapphic. hater of capital letters. bunny and cat mum. renn faire enjoyer. theatre kid. squishmallows enthusiast. taylor swift lover era appreciator. marisha ray defender. houseplant addict. multiple social accounts haver.
bet she won’t be censured for “decorum violations”.
they’re perfectly fine with digesting the downtrodden though.
i was a sunset strip girlie!
until i went to tripod, at least.
im very lazy now but i used to use tyrande, shandris, and then rotate around any other kalimidor/kaldorei places and people because when i played warcraft i was obsessed with night elves
fucking bowser at it again.
there are a few things i get on there mostly because i can’t get them anywhere else but i don’t think i’ve used amazon in a while - definitely not for christmas this year.
no country should share intelligence with the US considering sharing intelligence with the US under trump is just handing it directly to putin
he’s also a huge venture capitalist invested in ai too
Slashdot is still around and has been for a while
he should explore seppuku with musk
the US is a third world step backwards country
startpage. you’re welcome.
it’s also not us owned or based.
digg with ai backed by venture capitalists? no frickin thank you. digg was bad enough without ai and venture capitalists.
we need to get blue state leaders and researchers to start referring data to it and referencing this instead of the official site.
interesting; is revolt self hosted too or is it just purely a discord alternative? it looks almost identical from screenshots.
gentlemen start your enshittification.
they could have at least put a link to the torrent in the press release