I’ve switched to EasyDNS as well, over from AWS.
If you’re on the lower-tier/unicast plan, have you had any issues with MX records for email? I set up mine ~10 days ago, and A, CNAME, and most TXT records are working flawlessly, but anything email-related fails to resolve 30% of the time (checked through 3rd party DNS lookup tools, as well as just sending/receiving test messages seeing what gets through).
Or, if the business is 24/7, make sure they have an explicit on-call policy with designated shifts. (e.g. who is allowed to call you, what is the expected response time, is an issue disruptive enough that it needs resolving at 3am on a holiday, etc.)
My current job (IT for a non-profit research facility) pays a sweet daily bonus just for having my phone on me, even if I don’t get called over a week, plus double overtime pay when I do get called afterhours. I’ve had 13 shifts over the past couple years, and was called only 7-8 times, 3 of those on the same weekend for the same issue (couldn’t make a permanent fix until the following Monday).
In any other job, I definitely wouldn’t accept a manager or random coworkers sending me messages out of the blue on a weekend and getting mad when I don’t respond.