Microwave towers? They don’t bridge enormous distances but can bypass areas that it would be inadvisable to lay cable
Microwave towers? They don’t bridge enormous distances but can bypass areas that it would be inadvisable to lay cable
I think it stands for mindlessly Lenninist.
I agree with the principal of personal boycotts, though not effective in doing anything to affect the companies that you are boycotting, are necessary. But OP is right. For instance I have been boycotting Chick-fil-A for the last 10 years because I don’t agree with their homophobic attitude. But it has zero effect on their bottom line because no one else boycotts them or even cares. I think the kesson is that you should not expect any kind of real outcome from your personal boycott of a company. You should just be satisfied that you are not personally supporting that company.
Yeah reddit’s days are pretty numbered at this point. This shit is ridiculous.
He’ll still retain his shares. Which is the source of his wealth.
For my money I’m going to throw a goddamn party if this cursed stock hits double digits.
I don’t need to care. I stopped using Google search months ago.
It’s entirely possible that the campfire scene from Blazing Saddles is the straw that broke Hollywood’s fetish for westerns.
Evil also tends to be wealthy. And wealthy people suck up all the oxygen in whatever room their in.
If you rely so much on buying digital, be ready for a surprise later on down the line.
What kind of world have we come into where Hacker News is a pro corporation website?
Hackers used to be the antithesis of big corporations and capitalist overreach.
Pink Flood doesn’t ruin them
Punk Floyd, however… Those who know, know.