I say weird shit and half the time I actually believe it.

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2024

  • Yeah, isn’t that what everyone wants?

    A website where you talk to people and a robot with no oversight shows up and changes what you say, or silences you, or prevents you from talking to certain people.

    At the same time though, I don’t care if billionaires play rock and sock em robots with companies. It just kind of sucks for the people that work at those companies, being tools of a game for rich people to play.

  • I think I lucked out because I live in the suburbs, but it’s a very walkable suburb. There are sidewalks, there is public transportation, and I can walk to the grocery store and back in under a mile.

    There are parks nearby within walking distance, with sidewalks between my house and the park for kids to play in, and all of the main streets have bike lanes.

    I live in America, this is not like European normal standard.

    Oregon and Washington and most of California have a lot going for it as far as human amenities in suburban spaces.

  • Pretty much all of them.

    Most tech issues can be easily reduced to rote actions as long as you have a little bit of knowledge about the environment in which they are being executed.

    Sure, it’s fun rolling out youth systems and dealing with integration issues and things like that, but after the high watermark fun things, there are large gaps of where you’re just doing maintenance, and maintenance is no fun.

  • I learned how to use it as a random attempt to make a hackintosh.

    I succeeded in getting the hackintosh to boot and run, played with it for a few weeks and then got bored with it and now my computers all use Linux or Windows if I have to.

    I now have an actual Apple computer from 2015 that I use just for Logic when I’m recording audio (I got a great deal on the computer and a Thunderbolt 2 audio interface), and I greatly prefer kubuntu over apple.