No, I mean by default you are opted out.
I say weird shit and half the time I actually believe it.
No, I mean by default you are opted out.
Cons wouldn’t use the phrase “single mother working three jobs”.
It’s a level of obvious sarcasm, so obvious that if it weren’t sarcasm, people would rally together to hunt them down like the dogs they are.
This is the kind of shit that happens when you think everybody is stupid except you.
And that’s fine, I’ll just use different browsers until they change their stance.
I am very averse to companies breaking my trust.
Mozilla can win it back by explicitly stating what they are collecting, why they are collecting it, and making opt out the default.
I use readable names.
I’m using one system for testing purposes, so it’s called testingPC.
Any containers are named for the container purposes, like my pihole is named pihole.
My system is so boring that any person were to pick it up after I got hit by a bus would be able to figure out everything.
I had a moose meat burger, it was the softest burger I ever ate
I think I lucked out because I live in the suburbs, but it’s a very walkable suburb. There are sidewalks, there is public transportation, and I can walk to the grocery store and back in under a mile.
There are parks nearby within walking distance, with sidewalks between my house and the park for kids to play in, and all of the main streets have bike lanes.
I live in America, this is not like European normal standard.
Oregon and Washington and most of California have a lot going for it as far as human amenities in suburban spaces.
Pretty much all of them.
Most tech issues can be easily reduced to rote actions as long as you have a little bit of knowledge about the environment in which they are being executed.
Sure, it’s fun rolling out youth systems and dealing with integration issues and things like that, but after the high watermark fun things, there are large gaps of where you’re just doing maintenance, and maintenance is no fun.
If that happens, I will sell my citizenship and give you a hundred thousand dollars of it.
I do tech work for law firms, hospitals, and schools. I make about $150k/yr, but I’m bored out of my skull. I’d like more of a challenge but I’d have to give up my cush to get it.
Yeah, I would buy an aftermarket toner instead. Having been doused in toner in the past, I do not recommend it
I think he started using ok cupid.
One of my best friends has Asperger’s and Schizophrenia, and has agoraphobia so he’s essentially a shut-in, and is a recovering drug addict and he still met and married someone.
If he can pull it off, you can too.
My last two phones have been the Motorola 5G stylus models and I have honestly not had any issues with them.
I buy them second hand because why not? And then I get like two years’ worth of use out of it for an average cost of ownership of like a hundred dollars a year.
Moto makes good quality inexpensive phones.
I learned how to use it as a random attempt to make a hackintosh.
I succeeded in getting the hackintosh to boot and run, played with it for a few weeks and then got bored with it and now my computers all use Linux or Windows if I have to.
I now have an actual Apple computer from 2015 that I use just for Logic when I’m recording audio (I got a great deal on the computer and a Thunderbolt 2 audio interface), and I greatly prefer kubuntu over apple.
For it to work you have to use the bookmarkable function with the default generated bookmark
This code would be the code or one of the codes that it would definitely generate to create this string of text.
Assuming that I understand that I am able to carry this information over, I would just make a text file of library of Babel URLs.
With a single string, you can encode an entire page of data.
On that page of data, you can have strings that encode additional pages of data.
I would have an entire blog of posts to myself to read at every reboot.
Who did I sleep with? How much money did I win? What cool things happened? What things did I try to do?
I would also tell myself when a stunt might kill me, and if I don’t update the document to say that I survived, then I would know in the future that that did kill me.
Yeah, isn’t that what everyone wants?
A website where you talk to people and a robot with no oversight shows up and changes what you say, or silences you, or prevents you from talking to certain people.
At the same time though, I don’t care if billionaires play rock and sock em robots with companies. It just kind of sucks for the people that work at those companies, being tools of a game for rich people to play.