That’s not nit picky.
That’s not nit picky.
Oh, gotcha. I use a wildcard address so everything worked out of the box for me since I didn’t need to import specific ones.
FYI when I switched email providers it was almost totally painless since I use email aliases and a custom domain. It’s a really good setup even aside from the ease of switching.
Switching from Proton to Posteo was literally just updating a few DNS records.
Everyday opportunistic capitalism is exactly why are have fascists in power now.
Proton’s CEO publicly supported Trump. I’ve moved away from Proton and closed my account.
I HIGHLY recommend Addy.io instead for email aliases. WAY better.
I’m still appalled that my Yubikey / FIDO2 still doesnt work on Firefox. I have it as a passkey for GitHub, realized it doesnt work on Firefox, so they just prompt me for my password. That seems backwards to have password as a fallback, too.
Both of those work on induction perfectly well.
I hate this mentality. There are things that are legit concerns and then there are things which aren’t. Please don’t use the same logic for taking up smoking.
I’m a big Sanders supporter and totally get where youre coming from, but facts are facts. Bernie is right a ton of the time. He can be wrong once in a while without it damaging his reputation. When someone’s wrong, they should be called out regardless of whether you agree with them the rest of the time.