You can make some from local tomatoes, and freeze or can any extra for later. It’s a pretty simple recipe, you just cook down some tomatoes and add spices and vinegar.
You can make some from local tomatoes, and freeze or can any extra for later. It’s a pretty simple recipe, you just cook down some tomatoes and add spices and vinegar.
I’m going to post the same thing I’ve said elsewhere: in the past month, there have been at least two incidents of people with measles spending hours on college campuses in Texas. It will have spread to at least some of the other students there.
Those campuses go on spring break this month, where they’ll spread it to other college students. Those students will go back and spend 6-8 weeks spreading it across campus, and everyone will bring it home for the summer.
If you or anyone you know have questionable immunity, please get vaccinated. I can’t speak for Canada, but people vaccinated in the US between 1957 and 1967 may have received a vaccine that didn’t provide the full strength needed for lifetime immunity; and those vaxxed between 1967 and 1978 may have received only a single shot instead of the now-recommended two shots. There’s a simple blood test to check your antibody levels, or you can just ask for a booster shot.
Also, it’s not just suffering and complications from measles you’ll need to worry about. Measles can reset your immune system, so that you no longer produce antibodies to diseases you’ve had before or been vaccinated against. Its a miserable disease. If you might be unvaxxed or under-vaxxed, or know someone who is unvaxxed or under-vaxxed, please arrange for a booster shot!
I’m not real thrilled that O’Hanian is one of the new owners, makes it feel creepy and unsafe.
At least part of the historical removal of pubic hair is to avoid/get rid of pubic lice.
The thing is, do you want to talk to people, or understand the answers? Because learning a few phrases is great but if you can’t understand the answers :shrug:
My standard basic phrases are Please; Thank you; Excuse me; I’m sorry; Where’s the bathroom?; and I’m a vegetarian. It’s not elegant, but it covers my most basic needs.
For places I want to go, I have a list in the local language that I can point to, and I learn the basics of written language so I can navigate (maps, store signs, menus, etc). I also watch TV in whatever the language is before I leave, preferably with English subtitles (sometimes that’s a local program, othertimes it’s a US or UK show dubbed into the local language).
They have options to add in like birdsong and wind chimes to your personalized mix. The idea isn’t necessarily to drown out the noise you’re hearing, it’s too make the noise more acceptable.
Like loud diesel trucks drive me nuts. But I toss on a thunderstorm, maybe a bit of purring cat, and I can ignore them.
Have you tried a white noise generator for your sleeping issues? There are several early available, I happen to use TMSoft’s White Noise. It has a lot of options for sound. I use a mix of pink noise for overall masking, heavy rain to make the pink noise more palatable than a plain hum, and an extreme thunderstorm - adding the extra thunder helps me sleep through bass sounds like vacuum cleaners and garbage trucks.
We prefer to think of it as ‘nicely trim’, tyvm!
Here you go! :
I’ve blocked like five of their accounts. I wish there was a setting that would block PMs/chats. Anyone who wants to talk to me can do it in public.
Internationally, the wars continue. The US military stockpile is structured so that if there’s a full US commitment to a war, the stockpile will last a couple of years while the US transitions to a wartime footing, building and renovating munitions factories to continue the war effort. When Russia invaded Ukraine, the US and the EU started sending their stockpiles to Ukraine, and they ramped up munitions production - but neither power pivoted ro full wartime production. Hell, the European NATO countries were still debating whether to dedicate 2% of their GDP to defence.
With Trump fully in Putin’s pocket, the US is going to drastically scale back the supply of arms to Ukraine, and the EU isn’t in a position to make up the entire shortfall. Even now, they’re talking about giving money and supplying some arms, but I’m not seeing any reports of building new factories or scaling up production at existing ones (it takes a couple years to fully scale up production, so extra arms available now needed to be started 2 years ago, and extra production now won’t make a noticable difference until two years from now). So Ukraine is going to be struggling for arms.
The good news for Ukraine is that Russia has also been struggling with both manpower and munitions. Putin is relying on literal cannon fodder from other countries and his own prisoners to make the war palatable to his people. But I think it’s possible he may decide to push harder, annex a bunch of Ukraine, then declare that the war is over and spend some time consolidating his gains.
In the meantime, I’d expect the US to be increasingly focused on the war in Israel, both as a distraction from Ukraine and because Trump really wants ‘wins’ there - in this case, he likely wants to build some hotels, and he’d really like to be able to proclaim that he “brought peace to the Middle East” [the genocide of the Palestinian people being a mere technicality to Trump].
With the US being increasingly unreliable, Europe will focus more on their own affairs (including Russia and Ukraine). The US will go their own way on things, increasingly alone and alienated. It will never be fully trusted again (nor should it be), so accomplishing foreign policy goals is going to be increasingly hard, and accomplishing domestic goals isn’t going to be much easier.
The US economy will eventually collapse and the weight of the national debt will come crashing down. That’s going to affect other countries as well, though I don’t know enough to be able to predict how badly. The US will end up the big loser and Russia can probably chalk up some wins in Ukraine. The Arabic countries will make noises about Israel, but I don’t think full-scale war will happen there, just long-simmering tensions with both sides encouraging terrorism.
I think China and India are poised to be the big winners: they’re both staying publicly out of things, biding their time, waiting for America to fall and Europe to be more internally-focused. And at some point, human civilization collapses, because we couldn’t agree that maybe we should just buy less stuff and all the infrastructure and farmland is swallowed by rising sea levels, extreme drought, floods, wildfires, hurricanes and whatever else is waiting for us.
It doesn’t matter if he was recruited or not, he’s effectively acting as one anyway. Musk talks to Putin fairly regularly, and the director of national intelligence is heavily sympathetic to Russia. Honestly, the others should be kicking us out of Five Eyes, there’s no way they should be trusting us.
People born after 1957 and vaxxed before 1967 (vax was less effective), people who only got a single shot until the mid-70’s (accidentally under-vaxxed), immune compromised/suppressed …
It’ll continue to spread, as well. Last Friday, someone with contagious measles spent hours touring 2 Texas campuses, hours in college bars and restaurants, and hours in crowded tourist attractions. Next Friday, one of those colleges starts spring break - and it takes 2 weeks for the rash to start showing up. Some of those college students will have caught measles and will go on spring break, where they’ll spread measles to other spring breakers. Three weeks from now, there’ll be outbreaks in every state in the Union.
If you weren’t vaxxed, you were under-vaxxed, not sure if you got vaxxed, or think the vax might not have taken, now it’s an excellent time to get vaxxed.
Or, y’know, he could hire 50% more programmers / contractors, instead of overworking his current staff
Ugh, thanks for sharing. Gonna have to block OP …
I’d call the local Fire Marshal.
I am confused by this article.
The headline says they want to change the borders, but I didn’t see any details in the article about redrawing the border. They say they’re interested in doing so, but there aren’t any details. They say that Trump wants control of the Keystone XL pipeline, but the details they give simply say that he wants it built. It’s like they shoved all the Canada-US relations stuff into one article, but didn’t bother editing it or making it coherent.
On another note, Trump himself is confused:
"We protect Canada, but it’s not fair. It’s not fair that they’re not paying their way, and if they had to pay their way they couldn’t exist,” he told reporters.
Uh, no, Canada has protected our northern border. If we’d had to protect that on our own, we’d be a much more closed, paranoid and militaristic place. [Isn’t that a scary thought!]
Why would you expect an aggregator-and-comment site bought and rebranded by reddit-cofounder O’Hanian to end up significantly different than his other aggregator-and-comment site?