That’s what OP means, right?
That’s what OP means, right?
Oh, sorry, I’m too depressed from the world situation to see humour in anything…
The argument means that if there are severe systematic consequences to some things you say, then it cannot be considered free speech.
The western democracy he put’s on the line is Europe and Canada, not the US. The US is gone.
With some types of beard there’s no other way.
The problem is we know Russia won’t stop. This is not the first time they attack their neibor. Ukraine and other countries have lost territory to Russia in the past. And we know the official Russian plan is to get the Soviet empire back, incuding the “sphere of influence” So it’s not just about Ukraine, it’s about a large part of Europe and about showing a bully they cannot continue with getting new land by force. They must be stopped. I just wish European countries intervened directly, that could save many lives and end the war for real. I don’t believe the Russian nuclear threats.
We know they would treat Ukrainians terribly because we know what happened in the regions captured by them.
You would have to shave or trim your hair as well to get rid of clogging and slow drying.
But kissing a bearded man is not a big deal. I think it’s a question of preferences.
OP was not asking for our opinion on that.
I’m actually enjoying our conversation and I think our missunderstanding is just a minor one. I never said I don’t have any ambition. You asked me about my ambition or lack thereof, so I described what’s driving me.
Anyway, I think there’s a difference in having an ambition as having some driving force behind your actions, which is necessary (I want to have blue walls, so I go and paint them blue) and the character trait that is referred to as being ambitious. No-one gets called ambitious just for wanting to have blue walls, even though it technically is an ambition. Someone who wants to be famous can be called ambitious, though.
I think with time I’m becoming more and more self-confident and the need for other people to confirm my own value is therefore diminishing (although it’s not completely gone). I think the fame ego boost is a lot about that - being told that you’re valued.
I can relate to the need of being recognised for the good job you’ve done. And to the desire for quasi-immortality - the knowledge of one’s own mortality is such a hard thing to live with.
I understand the wish for fame, because I did feel it around the time when I was like 13 or something. Then I took a look at the way of life the really famous people lead and I realized I wouldn’t want that. I love the freedom of anonymity way too much. When it comes to ambitions, I always wanted to understand the world as much as I could. That also lead me to natural sciences. I get a lot of fulfillment from learning things. So I guess I’m not really success oriented, although it’s a nice thing, but I get a lot of kick out of getting new information and connecting it in my head, that’s what I love. And that’s not very fame related, right? I live a comfy life and I do what I love, so suddenly becoming famous and losing it all looks like a nightmare to me.
People can have quite different life goals and ambitions. Do you think fame is the only thing worth persuing? And yes, there are many people who don’t have huge ambitions and that’s ok. There are many ways to live one’s life. Sometimes having goals that are easier to reach can make you more happy.
I’d say yes, the nurses are not that impressed and the people who receive your blood will never know.
To share these things anonymously doesn’t necessarily equal bragging and can inspire other to do similar things. I think keeping those things to yourself can be more about you feeling superior about keeping it “real virtue”, when you could do more good by sharing. Sometimes it’s better to be practical about things.
Well there are people like you who desire it and then there are people like me who wouldn’t want it ever, like no way. I understand the need of an ego boost in some people and also the desire for the status and money. But there are very many people with other values that hate the idea of being famous and don’t need any ego boosts. Many people just want to have a peaceful and comfortable nice little life with their privacy intact. Some of the people lusting for fame probably also just imagine the resirable parts of it and would be quite surprised about the bad parts.
Would you really like to be famous? With all the consequences, good and bad?
If I was just pitching the idea like OP does, I’d call it this, because it makes it easy to understand. If I meant it seriously and wanted to make a team to start working on it, I’d find a name for it in consultation with the originating team. The first thing I would definitely change would be the year.