Remember that smile gave Moscow Mitch gave when they confirmed Trump’s lame duck Supreme Court nominee, despite rejecting Obama’s?
Remember that smile gave Moscow Mitch gave when they confirmed Trump’s lame duck Supreme Court nominee, despite rejecting Obama’s?
Still a predator. Your sister is not adult enough to not get taken advantage of by this kind of freak. Your parents should step up but a 16 year old should not be with a 21 year old.
I got permanently banned for pointing out that a popular sex advice subreddit was being run by a rapist…
It looks like many of them have already been signed up for dick pills. Mixing business and pleasure?
I’m stoned so:
The technocrats (Bezos, Thiel, Zuckerberg, etc) are SEELE. Musk is Gendo - ie, at the table but rogue (and I don’t want to imagine what he’d do with a planet full of Yue/Rei’s) Thiel doesn’t trust Musk, so Vance is like his Kaji. (Misato is like literally a Freud caricature of a woman, so we can make her a couch to fit the whole sexual ethos)
COVID was the second impact. The angels are attendant disasters that go with it and things like climate change etc.
Luigi is Kaworu, a gorgeous bisexual twink who is being crushed by the system.
The American people are Shinji, paralyzed under stress and trauma. Asuka is a bunch of other countries, being very angry at Americans for not doing shit while not really coping with their own problems.
Rei is obviously the internet/technology.
The globalists have been priming us for this information the entire time! Pre programming! Please buy my protein power.
If you like the green/iridescent, sweat bees are beautiful.
Common names for insects are very regional honestly. Ie, in my locale, we call “crane flies” “skeeter eaters.”
Or how “June bug”/“June beetle” covers hundreds of species.
Baeus are absolutely adorable though, how could anyone hate a chubby wingless wasp?
Cookoo wasps are gorgeous.
Many solitary wasp species incapacitate and lay eggs in spiders - the spider bodies make tasty snacks for the babies. If you don’t like spiders - the enemy of your enemy?
It’s really only the social wasps that are aggressive though - which makes sense. They will sting and defend their hive with their lives, because that’s where their sisters and nieces live! But all wasp species are essential. We need paper wasps for pollination - even if a Polistes sting will ruin your day.
Anecdotally, not a fan of the incest association but guys who’ve referred to me as “bro” have been excellent hookups. I do look more like The Dude though.
To borrow Alex Jones’ term - it is information warfare. Train people to accept the outputs of LLMs, attack media literacy (in conjunction with the fact that public schools in the US spent ten years not teaching children how to read), and hide actual sources.
You can have your LLM trained to weasel around the fact that the chattel slavery of black Americans was the primary cause of the Civil War, or falsely represent science surrounding gender and sexuality (they’re explicitly tuning Grok on this).
You don’t have to worry about subversive messages on war or women in your “AI” generated “Ghibhli” film. Have all the fun space faring of Star Wars, without the prequel geopolitics everyone hated until they saw it happen.
“Who’s the dude in your relationship, and who is the bro?”
My art is influenced by being broke - ie, all of my materials are repurposed, I’d rather thrift someone’s leftover paint or fabric than buy it new. I also do make it as a coping mechanism.
But my depression and poverty are external to me. They do influence my art, but they are not the creators of my art. My art has changed substantially in response to my mental health and economic status - they are influences - but they did not “make” my art any more than John Cage or Cy Twombly did.
Yeah - a lot of “save the bees” narratives omit the fact that honey bees are not indigenous to the US and displaced some species.
We should be just as concerned for wasps, who are essential to pollination.
Technofascists really benefit from certain kinds of information being inaccessible…
I love gen 1 sprite work.
Gotta love the grift - how much did they sink on this thing? And then they just stole an open source project and tried to hide it.
What’s next, TrumpOS? Reskinned Ubuntu with wallpapers and icons for $300?
Actually - anyone want to join my OS dev team?
Toki pona is a conlang meant to be a simple as possible, and has less than ~150 words. Might be useful to look at those “essential” words.
Transmetropolitan had in-dream advertising. I think you got it from breathing in some sort of gas when walking around in public.
The most unrealistic thing about the Transmetropolitan series was the fact that Spider was able to make a living as a journalist.
I loved raiding the clearance sections. Clearance sections at craft stores are like letting the universe be part of the art makes it fun. It was fun to buy a random off cut of fake fur - and then figure out what to do with it.
Thrift stores are kinda similar. You give up a lot of control of the process for a kind of Jackson Pollock vibe. They are sooo slept on as a source of fabric and yarn (although Goodwill lately has been getting dear on the yarn - like I’m not paying $8 for a couple skeins of random Red Heart). You can get bulk t-shirts, no one really wants that 3XXL church fundraiser/rush shirts/blood donation/etc etc - which can be cut/dyed/resewn/stretched into yarn.
Sometimes you will also strike gold, and never have to worry again. I grabbed a random tote from a Goodwill in Fuckass, Arkansas which had enough cheesy grandma cross stitch projects to last me until the heat death of the universe and an entire fucking bolt of sparkly blue tulle with more square footage than my apartment for less than $15.
It is the kind of thing where you have to enjoy the hunt, and not have an outcome in mind. I guess it’s a lot more time, which is what losing Joann’s/the decline of local hobby shops in general represents.
Dollar Tree oddly often has a lot of fat quarters. Obviously lower quality and only good for small projects, but sometimes winners.
It does really really suck. I will only go into a Hobby Lobby if I can atone with some light vandalism - and even then feels wrong. (It’s like walking into the Stepford Wives - idk like the oxygen composition is different). Michael’s is nice but fabric is not great, yarn is like 60-70% based on the store. (And no MASSIVE GREEN WALL OF YARN 😭😭😭)
Maybe once the economy crashes we can all start our own small fabric stores.
I think it might be an “older people in the south” thing. (Like all boomers and older I’ve talked to about it know about it, usually not younger) I worked at a diner for a bit, and it would be Silent Generation types that would order it.
It’s pretty good, but real cheddar would be better. It’s that similar salty/sweet combo that makes French fries and a McFlurry better than sex.
Reddit currently has a beastiality sub. They don’t allow real images obviously but people post hentai and fish for more. In the comments, they give each other advice/describe their activities.
Reddit doesn’t care.