Because Signal is not decentralized nor anonymous
Because Signal is not decentralized nor anonymous
During onboarding of the app you only choose a name and get a random email address
How is it different? In my experience it’s easier as they’ve already heard of email.
The protocol doesn’t really matter when you send encrypted messages over it like Delta Chat. Signal is not private nor decentralized and SimpleX doesn’t have encrypted group chats last time I tried
I asked specifically for relevant issues and you just link general issues with smtp that have no impact on Delta Chat?
SMTP is not secure
Delta Chat sends encrypted messages over it so that’s irrelevant.
SMTP is not efficiency
Your phone can run LLMs, it can send a couple packets. Also this “chattyness” can be seen as an advantage as it is extremely robust and works on any network however inconsistent.
SMTP doesn’t have a way to ensure stuff is delivered
Yeah duh? It’s decentralized. You can’t ensure that the recipient doesn’t take down their server?…
Etc. I feel like I’m wasting my time replying to all these because it seems you didn’t even take the time to read them yourself.
Could you be more concrete? In what relevant way do you think it does not work as an instant messenger? Keep in mind that Delta Chat is not a theoretical thing and it works as well as any other messenger.
Because delta chat is using an open protocol (email) and you can run your own servers meaning it is decentralized unlike Signal. Also it is actually anonymous unlike Signal, so you don’t need to give anyone your phone number and people can’t find where you live just by knowing your username.
E-mail is an excellent protocol for messaging, see
simple to use
Not sure how to make that simpler
A slice of ham is 150-200kcal by itself, if you eat two sandwiches you are better off eating an entire bag of crisps (~500kcal for 200gr).
Their advertisement budget is collected by guilt tripping Wikipedia users using the lie that the website would cease if they didn’t ”donate”.
Vegan diets are ~16% cheaper on average in the US but even if they weren’t, a dollar a day does not justify killing someone.
I have been requested to not talk about it.
You know not going won’t inspire anyone to change
Partner stopped going and the next year all family events were fully vegan because family prefers being together over eating flesh.
I would prefer to spend holidays with family but I don’t because they prefer to eat flesh and I am against animal abuse. I think it’s the right thing to do to protest this by not going but it sucks.
That website was the fastest loading website I’ve ever visited.