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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 13th, 2024


  • Europe doesn’t have a 5th gen fighter, and they’re beholden enough to the US that they did nothing when we blew up their natural gas pipeline, forcing them to buy our natural gas at exorbitant prices, during winter and are trying to fund our war even after we’ve stopped. America’s other vassals aren’t going to help you stop America.

    China exports the J-35, Russia exports the Su-57. Making Lockheed stock crater when even Canada abandons them would light a fire under more congress member’s asses than anything else you can do.

    Then again, it’s not like GD, LM, and Boeing would ever let their politicians fuck up the bag.

  • People like you silencing dissent is precisely how the DNC deluded themselves into believing they could win while running to the right.

    The only time we see the democrats accede to popular opinion and do the things they need to get elected is when is so exceedingly obvious that there is no other path that they can’t pretend otherwise, and the moment that pressure lets up, they will stop. They only told Biden to drop out when he had no path to victory, and the moment Kamala looked like she’d win, the dems embraced every policy that had killed the Biden campaign.

    They had polling data, they knew that banning tiktok wouldn’t increase their chances to win, but they did it anyway. They knew that sending cops to kick the shit out of politically active college students wouldn’t help them win, but they did it anyway, because they thought they could do that and still win.

  • VR had such a bright future around 2014; between VRChat, tech demos of VR browsers, big players like MS and Sony getting into VR, and generic hacks to port old games to VR, it seemed obvious that companies were going to start re-releasing old games in VR (since you couldn’t run modern AAA games) and most every app would support VR and multiple users to make better use of the network effect.

    Except instead 99% of games released for VR were just underwhelming tech demos and the only people who pursued creating a metaverse were short-sighted, rent-seeking, cryptobro parasites.