The Shite Stripes just about killed me
Was their debut album skid mark?
The Shite Stripes just about killed me
Was their debut album skid mark?
Absolute gold
“I’m sure Americans can sleep soundly knowing that their entire economic future is being steered by the guy who bankrupted four separate casinos.”
No. If you are actively searching for something, and go to a specific place that sells that thing. It is not advertising, the active party is you not them.
The problem is when the active party is the ad-networks, the trackers, the junk pushers.
If I go to a review site, for say lawn mowers, and they say hey brand 1 is great, but brand 2 is better because of ‘reasons’; I am active, engaging in the process. If however, I then go to a site that is about tigers, and brand 3 pushes their ad to intrude on the tiger info…this (in my opinion) is a major intrusion into my private space.
Malice in Chains
Queefs of the Stone Age
Now Doubt
Red Hot Chilli Preppers