LOL, that ProudResistor/ProudSocialist guy is still grifting along? On Twitter no less?
LOL, that ProudResistor/ProudSocialist guy is still grifting along? On Twitter no less?
The media never should have allowed Ms. Great-Replacement-Theory to cosplay as caring about antisemitism. Every single story should have included a reference to it as soon as her name was mentioned, just like every story about Elon Musk should include his Nazi salute.
But they’re a combination of corrupt and willing to sell out democracy and decency for short term gains. That corruption and fecklessness is critical to all this being possible.
I’m disappointed that the NeverTrumpers often seem to have more fire in their bellies than establishment Democrats.
“Public benefit corporation” is a meaningless designation. All it means is they have the option of putting their mission over their shareholders, not that they are obligated to do so.