10 days ago(1812 wasn’t Canadians, it was the British)
This isn’t accurate in the slightest. Fencible and Militia units were formed in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and the Canadas (upper and lower) from local civilians, who fought in a variety of battles throughout 1812. These civilians were in fact called “Canadians” at the time as well.
And that’s to say nothing of all of the Native peoples of Upper and Lower Canada who aided in the fight.
Ultimately the British held command, but many, many Canadians participated and were involved as well.
There is a Tesla New Buyers delivery checklist you can find online that was written by a group of Tesla enthusiasts. Just a few years ago one of the items on the checklist was “Make sure you can put the car in Park (and that it stays parked)”. (Ref: https://driveteslacanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Tesla-Model-3-Delivery-Checklist.pdf).
I’m not away of any other car where this was something people had to check before delivery — apparently it was a bit of a common problem for a time. That seems absolutely crazy to me, and a major failure of QA as it poses a significant safety hazard.